Two-truck load of Kimse Yok Mu aid for Turkmens

Date posted: August 28, 2014

Kimse Yok Mu has extended yet another hand to Turkmens fleeing the ISIS oppression. The foundation’s Erzurum chapter (an eastern province in Turkey) has delivered relief aid of 2-truck load of tents and blankets.

Having already donated 2-truck load of food back in June, the foundation kept on its aid efforts for the Turkmen sufferers. The chapter director Erol Elkoca reported that they provided 250 tents and five thousand blankets in total. In addition to the Turkmens, they have been helping the Ezidis seeking refuge in Turkey with food and clothing. “Our foundation will carry on helping the needy, regardless of their language, faith or ethnicity. We took action for the Ezidis fleeing the tragedy in Iraq and seeking refuge in Turkey. The clothing donations, besides the food, have already been given away. We had also delivered a truckload of clothing aid to AFAD Erzurum Provincial Office to be given away to the Turkmens shortly before the Eid al-Fitr. And today’s donation is on its way for the Turkmens in refugee camps under Dohok Governor’s Office, making the amount of assistance we have provided to date 4-truck load.”

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Elkoca went on to say their aid efforts for the Turkmens and Ezidis will continue for days to come. “We will carry on assisting those in need in our city and neighboring area. We are set to give away clothing and food aid to the needy ahead of the Eid al-Adha. And as a part of the eid, we’ll be proving meat to 10 thousand families. Just like before, our volunteers will be visiting the needy from door to door in order to greet the eid and deliver the donations.”

Published [in Turkish] on Zaman, 26 August 2014, Tuesday

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , August 27, 2014

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