28th Abant Meeting “Diverse Perspectives on Turkey” to be held in February 2013

Date posted: December 29, 2012

Turkey’s foremost civil intellectual forum, Abant Platform‘s workshop on “Diverse Perspectives on Turkey,” will be held in February 8-10, 2013 in Abant, Bolu.

The Abant Platform is founded as an intellectual forum by the Journalists and Writers Foundation to promote democratic engagement for expanding social consensus and the coexistence of society’s rich cultural resources within a peaceful environment in Turkey.

Within the Abant Platform’s upcoming meeting, nearly 120 intellectuals, journalists and academics from a variety of countries and diverse backgrounds who are currently residing in Turkey will meet their Turkish counterparts and have free discussion on the following topics in 5 separate workshops:

–  Identities, Demands and New Citizenship

–  Turkey’s Regional Role and Foreign Policy

–  EU Negotiation Process and Current Situation

–  Problems and Difficulties for the New Constitution

–  Inclusive Democracy

RSVP: Zuhal Mukim

Tel: +90 216 339 90 25

E-mail: info@abantplatform.org

Source: Journalists and Writers Foundation December 12, 2012

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