Autistic children left unattended as teacher parents under arrest over alleged coup links

Date posted: April 10, 2017

Uz family has two children with autism who were left to fend for themselves after their parents were arrested as part of an investigation into the Gülen movement after the July 15 coup attempt.

The movement stands accused of masterminding the coup bid despite the lack of a court verdict to this effect while the government has already detained 94,000 people and jailed 47,000 over links to the group. Prisoners in such investigations included teachers, doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, students, plumbers, football players, actors and even a comedian.

Below is a letter by a Kayseri woman who wants to drive attention to the plight of an already-struggling family that further fell apart after parents were arrested and put in jail in two different cities. Their children, meanwhile, were left unattended in the home province of Kayseri.

“I am writing this letter as a human duty, as a mother. I am calling out all parents and all authorities… Because from now on someone urgently needs to look after this family… When I heard what happened to my neighbor, who I have known for many years, my blood froze… I could not get over it for many days. I could not stop seeing my neighbor, Emel, wherever I looked. Emel was a teacher and her husband was a counselor… They had 3 kids… Fatih (17), Mucteba (13), Sami (4). Emel used to tell me how happy she felt when Fatih was born. Who wouldn’t feel happy about becoming a mom? You can ask people who have experienced the feeling of motherhood. They would tell you many things for hours. Emel too, like any other mother, was so attached to her beloved Fatih…. Emel and I used to sit down dreaming about the future of our children from time to time. When Fatih turned 3 unfortunately Emel’s dreams were buried in a dark abyssal hole. Because Fatih was more different than her other kids.

Little Fatih diagnosed with autism

Generally people go home to relax after work but in Emel’s household this situation was very different. Both when she was at work and at home Emel was exhausted. She was always sleepless during nights. Even though I tried I could not be of help to Emel.

She went through another catastrophe when she was 7 months pregnant for her second child… Doctors stated that this child might also be diagnosed with a similar disability.

Emel was even more mentally depressed, but this state of mind did not last for long. Emel was so faithful that she did not react against anything that came from God and she put forth more than all of her effort.

They were looking at different types of medication, schools, and doctors for Fatih’s treatment and they needed substantial amounts of money for all of this… They were struggling for their kids’ treatment with all their might.

She dedicated her life to her kids… Years later Emel gave birth to her third child; Sami is now 4 years old.

As a mother and father, they tried taking care of their 3 kids with extraordinary endeavor, unity, effort, and tears.

Fatih became 17 through all of these times. He could only survive with his education and medication. He was a smart kid. Sometimes you feel like you are talking to a scientist…

Emel would order the new medications 1 month before Fatih would run out of the old ones because sometimes Fatih could potentially go through a crisis and hurt his family, his surroundings, or his brothers. I can never forget that scene…

I witnessed Emel’s conversation with her mom once. The scene that broke my heart…

Grandma is looking at her grandson and admiring him. She was saying “Emel this kid is so nice. Who knows maybe there will be a benevolent chance of marriage to a girl one day…”

“Mom Fatih will stay with us for the duration of his whole life. You know his situation” said Emel. Grandma reiterated with her love of her grandchild “My daughter why are you talking like that? Fatih is a very handsome boy. Maybe he will marry someone one day.” Emel: “Mom Fatih cannot marry and start a family. Until his death we are his wife, mom, and companion.” The tears out of Emel’s eyes at that moment were even enough to soften a merciless heart.

Emel’s upright stance even against this misery was influencing me in a distinct way…

Mom, dad under arrest

You see she with a pure heart, she who has been an elixir of life for me, and her husband were separated from their 3 kids.

Almost 80 years old grandma and grandpa took custody of the kids when they themselves need special care. They somehow took the kids but I am asking you; for how long can these old people take care of these kids? How much can they help these kids?

How much of their education and special needs can these old people take care of? Which kind of conscience can accept the current situation of these kids separated from both of their parents?

Plus, their mother is in jail in Manisa…

Their father is in Nevsehir… Kids are with their old grandma and grandpa in Kayseri… These kids have not been able to see their mother for the last 8 months!!!

Although they can see their father from time to time when their father sees the miserable state of the children he is deeply grieved. Because of a side-effect of the medications he has been taking lately he sleeps for hours. And then he wakes up shouting the names of his kids. Although he is only 4 years old Sami is taking on the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. He himself is small but his soul is as big as Mount. Erciyes. Sami sleeps with his father’s shoes every night and he calls any woman entering from a door “Mother”.

Grandma suffers from heart attack

Grandma had a heart attack while she was trying to take care of the kids despite her age. I am asking now; After reading this will you still KEEP YOUR SILENCE?

Source: Turkey Purge , April 8, 2017

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