The Atlantic Institute announces the Art & Essay Contest winners

Date posted: February 23, 2017


The Atlantic Institute has announced the 11th year winners of its traditional Art & Essay Contest. This academic year’s theme was “Compassion in Action… Caring Matters!”

The Atlantic Institute describes the contest as below:

“Atlantic Institute believes that the students today are our future for tomorrow, and we love to see so many young minds eager to spend their time and energy to increase awareness for our global  and local – or glocal – challenges. We are greatly motivated by witnessing the creative works of those students.

Atlantic Institute Art & Essay Contest is affiliated with many educational institutions including the UN Alliance of Civilizations, State Departments of Education, and local universities. With their help, we are able to create an opportunity to accelerate the progress towards cross-cultural reconciliation and cooperation by engaging our youth at an early age.

The contest challenges middle and high school students to submit either/or both art and essay compositions based on a yearly humanitarian theme. The contest was first organized by the Istanbul Center in Atlanta, Georgia in 2006. In addition to Georgia, this contest has spread to the southeast region of Alabama, Florida and South Carolina. All essay entries are submitted online while artwork is either mailed directly to the branch offices or to specificed drop-off locations.”

Awards Ceremony will be held at noon on Saturday, April 15th, 2017 when the winners will receive their cash awards. 

This year’s sponsors included Georgia Department of Education, Kennesaw University, Alliance of Civilizations, Atlanta Community Food Bank, Istanbul Cultural Center, Clayton State University, Compassionate Atlanta, and Martin Luther King Jr International Chapel of Morehouse College. 

Visit Art & Essay Contest to learn the winners and more about the contest.

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