Gülen’s lawyer files lawsuit over unlawful police probe into Hizmet

Date posted: July 11, 2014

Nurullah Albayrak, lawyer for Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, has filed a lawsuit against a police chief who issued a written order to 30 provinces to launch a sweeping campaign into the faith-based Hizmet movement on what Albayrak says are trumped-up charges.

The order was dated June 25 but was only covered by the media as of Sunday. It was drafted by Turgut Aslan, the head of the National Police Department’s Counterterrorism Unit (TEM).

Speaking to the media after lodging a petition with the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, Albayrak said those who contributed to the unlawful probe into the Hizmet movement should be held accountable. Aslan issued the order after Ankara Prosecutor Serdar Coşkun launched an investigation into the Hizmet movement.

In the order, which includes 23 articles, Aslan claimed — without providing any evidence — that Hizmet seeks to overthrow the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government and seize control of the state by destroying the constitutional order. The TEM head asked officials at police departments of 30 provinces to contribute to an ongoing investigation launched against the Hizmet movement by the Anti-constitutional Crimes Investigation Bureau at the Chief Prosecutor’s Office in Ankara. He also asked the officials to inquire about members of Hizmet in their provinces to see if they are at all armed.

Albayrak also said he will demand that the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) investigate prosecutor Coşkun, who sought the police’s help in what observers say was a heavy crackdown by the government on the faith-based movement through fabricated charges.

As part of the investigation, the prosecutor asked the police to find out what the “parallel structure” — a reference to the Hizmet movement — is exactly, who the members are, what the objectives of this group are, how it is organized and what its human and financial resources are. Prosecutor Coşkun also asked the Anti-smuggling and Organized Crime Bureau to cooperate with the Ankara Police Department’s Counterterrorism Unit to find out if the Hizmet movement is an armed group and if it can be considered a terrorist organization.

Albayrak asserted that the order is an illegal one and that it lacks any solid legal ground. “Who gave this illegal order? Who carried it out? I filed a lawsuit against the Counterterrorism Unit for its part in this unlawful probe,” he said.

Source: Todays Zaman , July 9, 2013

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