PakTurk School lauded for serving a wide range of students

Date posted: June 23, 2014


Monday, June 23, 2014 – Islamabad—Minister of State for  education and Interior Engineer Balighur Rahman has honoured nine students of PakTurk School for winning medals in various international competitions bringing pride and a good name to Pakistan.

He also hailed the determination of the Turkish educationists for providing a satisfactory platform to students to excel through different means including opportunity to exchange ideas with brightest minds of other countries at international contests.

Talking to a delegation of comprising students, teachers and directors of PakTurk International Schools & Colleges at the  National Assembly, the minister said that government would continue to encourage academic excellence among outstanding students. Engineer Balighur Rahman said that every student deserves to rise as far as his hard work and initiative will take him for which quality of  education and commitment of teacher is very important.

The delegation informed the minister that fifteen PakTurk students have represented Pakistan in seven international competitions held in Kenya, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, US, Holland and Indonesia in 2014. Students from over sixty-six countries participated in these contests and displayed three hundred and eighty-five projects in which Pakistani students won two gold medals, two silvers and five bronze medals for country, the students said.

The students also highlighted the salient features of their projects and experience of representing Pakistan at international platforms. Later, the delegation also met Federal Minister of Religious Affairs and Interfaith harmony Sardar Muhammad Yousuf and State Minister of Petroleum Jam Kamal Khan, Deputy Chairman Senate Sabir Ali Baloch and Deputy Speaker  National Assembly Murtaza Javed Abbasi who encouraged them and acknowledged their achievements.

Lauding the accomplishments, they said that such a success could not have been possible without the hard work of students, dedication of teachers and above all the blessings of Allah. The students said such an interaction with the legislators was a source of inspiration for them.

Source: pakobserver , June 23, 2014

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