Burc Schools achieve 13 medals in AMC 8

Date posted: January 30, 2014


Adana Burc Schools’ students won 5 gold, 4 silver and 4 bronze medals in 60th Annual International AMC 8 contest, jointly held by Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and University of Nebraska.

350 thousand students, in total, from 6000 schools around the world participated in this year’s AMC 8, recognized as the world’s most prestigious math contest involving middle schoolers. Among the participating Turkish schools, Adana Burc Schools’ students achieved a notable success by winning 13 medals. Turkey, South Korea, China, US, Canada, Russia and Taiwan constitute the award winning countries in the event.

“AMC 8 held by Mathematical Association of America in 86 countries is participated by the most prestigious schools around the world. We feel the proper pride of representing Turkey at an international contest of this extent. I would like to congratulate our teachers, students and parents for their remarkable achievement. We are competing with the world on behalf of our beloved city Adana and Turkey.” the schools’ general manager, Sultan Sozeri, said.

Likewise, the schools’ olympiad coordinator, Emrah Turkmen, conveyed his feelings: “I feel happy to be with students who will represent our country in the best way they can do in the future. At the heart of this achievement lie their dreams.”

Published [in Turkish] on Zaman, 10 January 2014, Friday

Source: Hizmetmovement Blogspot , January 30, 2014

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