Hakan Şükür’s resignation

Date posted: December 22, 2013


The resignation of İstanbul deputy Hakan Şükür from his ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) is not an ordinary resignation. It is the most serious incident that disrupts the prestige of the AK Party in the eyes of pious voters.

Şükür’s statement about his resignation must be carefully studied. This statement explains the Hizmet movement‘s perspective regarding the recent row between the government and the Hizmet community for the first time and with a clear wording.

Şükür is not an ordinary politician. He was a soccer player loved by millions of people. He has a venerable, honest and straightforward stance. He respects and is loyal to Fethullah Gülen and is trustworthy, brave and true-hearted. Likewise, he is respectful also towards the prime minister and thankful for his services to our country.

I am sure Şükür faced inner battles before making up his mind. And this process has nothing to do with what AK Party Deputy Chairman Mehmet Ali Şahin meant by saying, “I came to the AK Party by order and I left the party by order.” It was impolite of Şahin to make such a remark. It is wrong to make hasty judgments about people.

I am sure Şükür felt great pain in making this decision. The AK Party’s voter base and the Hizmet movements have been feeling similar troubles for several months. Therefore, those who attempt to defame Şükür, as if he did this by the orders of the Hizmet movement, will be denounced in the consciences of the general public.

In his statement, Şükür actually expressed the emotions of the Hizmet movement. What actually makes the Hizmet movement feel resentful against the government? Which action of the prime minister has hurt them? Who is really disloyal and ungrateful?

What does this resignation tell us?

First, this resignation will affect the political scene. If you ask me, “Won’t everything be the same?” I cannot say “everything will be the same.” This should be perceived as a threat. I am saying this as someone who has been trying to mend relations for weeks.

The AK Party made three mistakes. First, they launched a meaningless, inexplicable campaign to close down prep schools. Ahead of approaching elections, they tried to patronize the community. Although everything was going well, the government wanted to shut down prep schools as an unexpected attack and in the run-up to elections. Remember: Gülen had been hospitalized and the prime minister had called him, expressing his good wishes. Prayers were exchanged. Then, Gülen thanked the prime minister by running a full-page newspaper ad. Then came the unexpected decision to shut down prep schools. Therefore, it is not the Hizmet movement that started the row: it was the government.

Secondly, the prime minister kept silent while someone labeled the Hizmet movement as an organization while an AK Party deputy described it as a “parallel network just like the Kurdish Communities Union [KCK].” This silence by the prime minister and the AK Party management broke the hearts of so many followers of the Hizmet movement.

Third, they treated the people who prayed to God for the non-closure of the AK Party in 2008 as enemies. Moreover, there was the profiling of people, which some AK Party managers described as “immoral.” And the AK Party management still remains silent about this profiling.

Those who wage a defamation campaign against Şükür must know that he is the brave, lionhearted hero of the Hizmet movement. Please look at the matter from this perspective as well.

Published on Today’s Zaman, 17 December 2013, Tuesday

Source: Hizmet Movement , December 22, 2013

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