Turkish cultural day in the Philippines

Date posted: December 13, 2013

Manila, the Philippines

A Turkish cultural promotion event took place in the capital Manila, the Philippines. The event featured traditional Turkish dance performances, food, music, and a photography exhibition along with screenings on Turkey’s natural and historical attractions.

Under the auspices of Mandaluyong Governor, Benjamin C. Abalos, the event was attended by over one hundred Filipinos and a large number of Turks, including general manager and high school principal of Fountain International Schools, Malik Gencer and Mehmet Cetin respectively; Pacific Dialogue Foundation President, Ferhat Kazkondu; Turkish Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Irfan Karabulut accompanied by numerous Turkish and Filipino businessmen.

Governor Abalos, in his address, touched on Turkey’s thriving economy, education and rich history. He noted Fountain International Schools with their distinctive approach to education has strengthened the Filipino education system. The governor additionally said they as Filipinos once again witnessed how altruistic and considerate Turkish people are, seeing the aid they provided in the typhoon-hit regions. He expressed his thanks to Turks for their support.

Mandaluyong would like to import Turkish education system to the Philippines and thus cooperate with the local Turkish schools and those in Turkey, the governor revealed. They already kicked off the groundwork, he added.

Next, Turkish Chamber of Commerce President, Irfan Karabulut said, “We’ve organized various events promoting the Philippines in seven Turkish metropolis, with the participation of local state officials and businessmen. The conferences to date have attracted 1,740 attendees in total.” Speaking of the Turkish companies operating in the Philippines, the chamber aspires to invest in Mandaluyong too, he added.

As highlights of the event, Filipino students of Fountain International Schools performed traditional Turkish dances and songs. Moreover, Jose Rizal University students gave a traditional Tinikling performance. The attendees enjoyed the Turkish food and traditional handicrafts exhibition.

Source: Hizmet Movement , December 13, 2013

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