Niagara Foundation Ohio Award Ceremony gathers a large attendance

Niagara Foundation Ohio Award Ceremony
Niagara Foundation Ohio Award Ceremony

Date posted: November 11, 2013

Niagara Foundation, active across 11 states in Midwest, held its annual award ceremony on November 5th in Columbus, Ohio.

Aimed to promote education and dialogue, the foundation’s annual event drew a large attendance of prominent guests including assembly members, academics and religious figures.

Serkan Aykan, Niagara Foundation Ohio director, delivered the opening address of the 3 hour-night. Referring to the foundations aim as to bring together people of diverse faiths and walks of life, Aykan said they set out for a goal that exalts high human values regardless of faith, language or nation. Next, the attendees were invited to watch a promo video featuring an overview of the foundation’s activities.

This year’s awards were given in three categories. Community Service Award honoree was NBC4. The company Greif received Peace Award while Columbus College of Art and Design was honored with Global Vision Award. President and CEO of Greif, David Fischer, gave his remarks in which he said he’d been to Turkey and it’s the country he liked best. Dennison Griffith received Global Vision Award on behalf of Columbus College of Art. As the night drew to the end, the well-known businessman Yaromir Steiner offered the closing remarks. “Fethullah Gulen is a great man of service. I admire his efforts for education and dialogue. He needs to be well understood,” Steiner noted.

Published [in Turkish] on Cihan, November 7, 2013.

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , November 10, 2004

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