Today’s Zaman offers condolences to families of mine victims

Date posted: May 15, 2014


Today’s Zaman offers its condolences to families of victims who were killed in Tuesday’s blast at the Soma coal mine.

Today’s Zaman also calls on Turkish officials to do their utmost to regulate privately owned and operated mines to ensure the safety of all workers and miners. The tragic incident in the Soma mine once again reveals the need for a stronger inspection of mines including the safety conditions of workers in line with international standards.

The steady rise of accidents, blasts and other disasters in mines and at construction sites raises concerns over the safety conditions of workers. The rising number of worker deaths should prompt the Turkish government to revisit its policies and develop a new strategy to deal with any shortcomings or problems that are the main sources of this unacceptably high number of casualties.

Source: Todays Zaman , May 15, 2014

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