Animation – Story of Turkish teacher Gokhan Acikkollu, tortured to death under police custody

Date posted: May 29, 2018

Gökhan Açıkkollu, a history teacher suffering from diabetes, died of torture in police custody as part of a post-coup investigation into Turkey’s Gülen group.

Gokhan Acikkolu was a teacher of history. As many people, he was detained on charge of being Gulen Fallower on July 23,2016. He died under police custody. He died without even knowing what he was accused of.

Teacher Gökhan Açıkkollu, who was tortured to death while in police custody, was found innocent one-and-a-half years later and “reinstated” to his job.

Fell sick over diabetes and harsh treatment the teacher was taken to a hospital. Doctors declared him well and sent him back to custody. Several days later, badly wounded and seriously ill teacher died under custody.


Source: YouTube , May 29, 2018

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