Fethullah Gulen’s Message of Condemnation and Condolences for St. Petersburg Terrorist Attack

Date posted: April 3, 2017

Fethullah Gulen

I strongly condemn the brutal terrorist attack Monday on the metro in St. Petersburg, Russia, which cost the lives of 11 people and injured dozens more.

Words fail to express my sorrow at the loss of innocent lives and suffering of their loved ones. I share my deepest condolences with the victims’ families and the people of Russia. I wish for the quick recovery of the wounded.

I reiterate my unconditional condemnation of this and other acts of violence that inflict pain on innocent people. This is an attack not only against the people of Russia but also against humanity. We should all stand in solidarity as members of the human family against such deplorable acts of terrorism.

I pray to God, the Most Compassionate, to lead humanity to a world of peace and tranquility.

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