Turkish spies working for President Erdogan ‘infiltrate Germany’s migrant community’

President Erdogan's spies have allegedly infiltrated Germany's Turkish migrant population
President Erdogan's spies have allegedly infiltrated Germany's Turkish migrant population

Date posted: August 31, 2016

HENCHMEN working for under fire Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have infiltrated Germany’s largest immigrant community in a bid to control their political beliefs.


Turks, who make up the majority of Germany’s immigrant community, claim their schools and mosques are being spied on by Erdogan’s undercover agents to root out supporters of Fethullah Gülen – the man the Turkish president claims is behind July’s bloody military coup.

Children attending Berlin’s Wilhelmsdtadt School, located on a former British military base and run by Mr Gülen’s supporters, are allegedly being monitored by Turkish agents.

Boycott lists are appearing on social media urging people to avoid shops and businesses run by the supporters of the the Islamic cleric.

Berlin’s Mayor, Michael Müller, also claims to have been approached by the Turkish government to clamp down on the school.

Osman Örs, a Berlin imam and follower of Mr Gülen, said: “A friend of mine went to pray at his regular mosque in Göttingen and some one started taking pictures of him with his phone.“Then they told my friend you’re not welcome here any more. We don’t want any traitors in our mosque or our city.”Most mosques in Germany were built by a Turkish government agency called DITIB, which also provides the imams.
Erdogan Turkey President Germany immigrant

German mosques and schools have been targeted by supporters of the Turkish President, allegedly GETTY

Mr Örs is one of the few Turkish imams in Germnay who does not work for DITIB – he is imam at Berlin’s House of One, a project to create a joint place of prayer for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

He claims he has been personally targeted by Erdogan’s agents.Mr Örs also works of Forum Dialog, an NGO dedicated to interfaith dialogue and Celal Findik, the NGO’s director, said: “We had to take our names off our website.“I got threatening messages on my mobile phone, calling me a traitor and saying Mr Gülen will be hanged. My whole family is in Turkey and I’d like to visit them, but it isn’t safe for me now.“We’re funded by donations, and we’re already running into trouble there.”

Erdogan Turkey President Germany immigrant

Erdogan claims Fethullah Gülen was behind the coup, a claim he denies GETTY

Erdogan claims Fethullah Gülen was behind the coup, a claim he denies

German MPs recently demanded an investigation into claims by Welt am Sonntag newspaper that Turkey’s MIT intelligence service has a bigger network of informers in Germany than the East German Stasi secret police had in West Germany.The newspaper claimed MIT has 6,000 informers in Germany and uses them to intimidate members of the Turkish community.

Berlin’s Mayor, Michael Muller, told Bild newspaper the Turkish government had asked him to take action against Gülenist schools.

He said: “I was approached by a Turkish government official and asked if we were willing to take a critical look at the Gülen movement in Berlin and possibly support measures against them,” Mr Müller said.

“It was particularly with regard to the movement’s educational institutions. I refused and made ??it clear that Turkish conflicts have nothing to do with us. We do not need lessons from Mr Erdogan in democracy and human rights.”

Source: Express , Aug 30, 2016

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