The Commissioner for Political Affairs opened the 14th International Festival of Language and Culture

Date posted: April 22, 2016

The International Festival was organized by the Nejashi Ethio-Turkish International Schools in collaboration with the Department of Political Affairs of the African Union Commission and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

The Festival is a platform to showcase both the rich multicultural diversity of the world, as well as the boundless talent of students coming from 65 countries across the globe to exhibit their cultural traditions through poetry, song and dance, in an expression of friendship, and hope for the future.

In her address, the Commissioner for Political Affairs indicated that “Tolerance is important and needed us to live together, listen to each other and do things together. Therefore, this forum is an opportunity for all of us to renew our commitment to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, without distinction as to race, gender, language, national, origin, religion or disability, and to combat intolerance and to take all positive measures necessary to promote tolerance in all societies, because it is not only a cherished principle, but also a necessity for peace and for the economic and social advancement of all peoples”.

Dr. Abdullahi also added that “a few days ago, some of the students participating in this festival paid me a courtesy visit in my office and I was so impressed by the colourfulness of their dress and beauty of their voices. But above all, I was happy to know that they all strive for a global peace and dialogue and they all wish for a peaceful and forbearance world free of conflicts, wars and human rights violations”.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of African Union Commission (AUC).

H.E. Dr. Aisha Laraba Abdullahi, Commissioner for Political Affairs of the African Union Commission opened the 14th International Festival of Language of Culture, which was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 09 April 2016, under the theme “Colours of the World”.

Source: African Union Commission , April 12, 2016

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