Second Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Reception & Award Ceremony

Date posted: June 4, 2015

Every year, Peace Islands Institute organizes a Law Enforcement Appreciation Reception & Award Ceremony in different cities along the east coast to express gratitude to law enforcement heroes for their service and protection of our communities.

On May 27, 2015, Peace Islands Institute New York (PIINY) hosted its Second Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Reception & Award Ceremony at the 60 Centre St. Manhattan Supreme Court. PIINY has invited Law Enforcement officials; including Chiefs, Deputy Commissioners, Deputy inspectors, Captains, and Detectives from all NYPD Precincts in New York, New York State Police, Attorney General, District Attorney, Homeland Security, Special Agents from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, all judiciary in New York, and New York State Elected Officials.

PII regularly pays tribute to outstanding individuals and organizations whose contributions markedly strengthen peace, harmony and diversity. Peace Islands Institute recognizes and celebrates altruism, philanthropy and the selfless commitment of distinguished individuals and organizations that are working toward a better, peaceful world.

On May 27 2015, PIINY presented awards to the families of two slain NYPD Police Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu from 84th Precinct who lost their lives in Brooklyn on December 20, 2014. Deputy Commissioner Robert Martinez presented the award to the families.

In memory of the slain officers, Peace Islands Institute constructed Water Well in Uganda for NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. This Water Well will provide thousands of people with clean and safe drinking water. Therefore, CEO of Peace Islands Institute, Murat Kaval, and the Director of Center for Social Affairs, Oguzhan Turan, presented the certificates of the Water Well to the families Officers Ramos and Liu.

PIINY also honored Special Agent William T. Bolinder and Special Agent Robert Dee for their outstanding work and success during their operations. Special Agent in Charge Leo Taddeo presented the awards to Special Agent Robert Dee and Special Agent William T. Bolinder. In addition, PIINY has honored Administrative Judge Lawrence Knipel for his exemplary work in Civil Matters and Administrative Judge Matthew J. D’Emic for his outstanding work in Criminal Matters. Board President of Peace Islands Institute Zafer Akin presented the award to Judge Lawrence Knipel and Executive Director of Peace Islands Institute New York, Nebi Demirsoy, presented the award to Administrative Judge Matthew J. D’Emic.

Second Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Reception & Award Ceremony

Deputy Commissioner Robert Martinez honored the family of NYPD Police Officer Rafael Ramos by presenting an award

Second Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Reception & Award Ceremony

Peace Islands Institute constructed a Water Well in Uganda and dedicated the Water Well to NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. Families of NYPD Police Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu received the certificate of the Water Well.

 For More Photos Click Here

Source: Peace Islands Institute , May 27, 2015

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