Peace Islands Institute Starts Young Peace Ambassadors Academy

Date posted: February 6, 2015

Organized by the Peace Islands Institute (PII), “Young Peace Ambassadors Academy” is a new initiative: a 6-week intensive leadership-training project that combines mentorship, workshops, interactive discussions, keynote speakers and field trips on Saturdays 10am – 3pm from April 11 to May 16, 2015.

Students will learn about the United Nations and the global problems such as human rights, peace and conflict resolution, women’s empowerment and girls’ education, eradication of poverty and hunger, and environmental sustainability and climate change. It’s important to educate the youth to think globally, act locally, and become global citizens. Without global competency, students will fail to become productive citizens in a globalized world. In the future, the economic advantages will reward leaders who can analyze and solve problems, recognize patterns and similarities, and communicate and interact with other people from various cultures.

This project also promotes diversity and multiculturalism through academic and social engagements for middle and high school students coming from diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds in New York City.

Partners and Supporters

NYC DOE Office of the NYC Schools Chancellor

The Journalists and Writers Foundation

Turkish Cultural Centers

Embrace Relief


  • To inspire future leaders today in building sustainable peace
  • To promote the culture of peace, diversity, and social inclusiveness
  • To build long lasting friendships among students from diverse backgrounds
  • To create awareness in global issues at school environments
  • To help establish UN Model school clubs in public schools
  • To provide resources and seminars for students and teachers
  • To mentor students who want to study international relations at universities


  • Earn a certificate of Completion to be used for college application
  • Earn a certificate of Excellence from local public officials

Young Peace Ambassadors Academy

Program Timeline

February 2, 2015 Registration Starts
February 27, 2015 Registration Deadline
March 7, 2015 Open House
April 11, 2015 Week 1: United Nations & Global Citizenship
April 18, 2015 Week 2: Human Rights
April 25, 2015 Week 3: Peace and Conflict Resolution
May 2, 2015 Week 4: Women Empowerment
May 9, 2015 Week 5: Eradication of Poverty & Hunger
May 16, 2015 Week 6: Environmental Sustainability
May 23, 2015 Graduation Ceremony

Topics and Objectives

Week 1: United Nations & Global Citizenship

  • What is the United Nations? How does the UN operate?
  • Explain how the UN works to mitigate conflicts
  • Brainstorm on major global problems in the world
  • Introduce students to the concept of global citizenship
  • Engage students in a plan to think globally and act locally
  • Learn about the United Nations MDGs and SDGs


Week 2: Human Rights

  • What is Human Rights?
  • Learn about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR)
  • Create awareness of human rights issues locally and globally
  • Who protects and violates our human rights?
  • Become human rights defenders


Week 3: Peace & Conflict Resolution

  • Identify, analyze and evaluate conflicts
  • Explain how to prevent violence when conflict arises
  • Bullying, Hate Speech/Crimes, Violence, Extremism, Fundamentalism, Terrorism
  • Describe the skills necessary for peace-building and conflict resolution
  • Peer mediation and problem solving skills in school environment


Week 4: Women Empowerment & Girls Education

  • Identify, analyze and evaluate issues affecting women and girls around the world
  • Examine women’s and girls’ education including gender inequality in education and the workforce
  • Analyze the United Nations as a platform to empower women and girls


Week 5: Eradication of Poverty & Hunger

  • Describe how poverty takes place in many forms
  • Explain the impact of conflicts and climate change in poverty and hunger
  • Describe the UN Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals (MDGs and SDGs)
  • How can we minimize poverty in the United States and around the world?


Week 6: Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change

  • How does environmental sustainability and climate change influence global issues?
  • Discuss the impact of climate change in our urban living (i.e. Hurricane Sandy)
  • Environmental problems, pollutions, deforestation, etc.

You may enroll the program at this page.


Source: Peace Islands Institute , Feb. 6, 2015

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