JWF strongly condemns this terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo

Date posted: January 8, 2015

Twelve people including two police officers were killed in a shooting at the Paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, according to Reuters.

We as the Journalists and Writers Foundation would like to stress that any terrorist activity, no matter who does it and for what purpose, is the greatest blow to peace, democracy, humanity, and all religious values. For this reason, no one – and certainly no Muslims – can approve of any terrorist activity. Terror is totally incompatible with Islam and it has no place in one’s quest to achieve independence or salvation. It costs the lives of innocent people.

So, we strongly condemn this terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo and share the pains of the victims and the whole French society.

Source: Journalists and Writers Foundation , January 1, 2015

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