Turkish charity delivers sacrificial meat to 30,000 families in Philippines

Date posted: October 9, 2014

Turkish aid organization of Kimse Yok Mu volunteers distributed sacrificial meat to 30,000 Filipino families during Eid al-Adha holiday.

UN-affiliated Turkish charity Kimse Yok Mu organized the delivery of sacrificial meat to families in 11 different points of Philippines. Dozens of Turkish volunteers and representatives of Filipino authorities assisted the charity in reaching as many as people in need across the country which was ruined by typhoon Haiyan in November of 2013.

The aid campaign finalized with a ceremony in the capital city of Manila with the attendance of Mayor of San Juan city Guia Gomez, Mayor of Mandaluyon city Benjamin C. Abalos, Mayor of Marikina city Del de Guzman, numbers of Turkish and Filipino businessmen and military representatives along with Kimse Yok Mu representatives.

Filipino representatives expressed their appreciation to Kimse Yok Mu and Turkish aid workers for the extended help hand.

Published on Cihan, 08 October 2014, Wednesday

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , October 9, 2014

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