Johannesburg hosts 14 countries for international festival

Some of the delegates of the International Festival of Language and Culture with some of the officials from the City of Johannesburg.
Some of the delegates of the International Festival of Language and Culture with some of the officials from the City of Johannesburg.

Date posted: April 29, 2016

The tables were turned when the youth was in charge and showed adults how things should be done.

On 20 April, the City of Johannesburg hosted 50 talented school-going delegates in Melrose Arch at a dinner event ahead of the International Festival of Language and Culture (IFLC).

The initiative originated in Turkey and is the largest and most prominent organisation for promoting world languages and cultures. It is dedicated to cultivating and educating the youth and creating a platform for them to share their cultural heritage with their peers around the world.

At the dinner, the delegates were joined by the City’s Junior Mayoral Committee, and the emcee of the event was Junior Mayor, Innocent Marubini who did a stellar job teaching guests a thing or two about Johannesburg. Marubini made the point that those in attendance left knowing how to at least say hello the Johannesburg way.

On the entertainment arena, the stage was open for all delegates to showcase how it is done in their different countries. Age worked to their advantage and the guests supported all the acts that were on stage. Although most of them had never met before, the youth did not behave like strangers. The delegates showed a desire and interest to learn about the different cultures from the international attendees present.

The IFLC is an annual celebration and showcase of the diverse linguistic talents from across the world. The purpose of the festival is to promote a better understanding of world languages and cultures and to witness exceptional performances by young people of diverse nationalities.

Welcoming the delegates, acting Mayor Geoffrey Makhubo said the City was honoured to host the participants from 14 different countries.

Public relations and communications manager of Johannesburg Tourism, Laura Vercueli, said the City gave the delegates a warm Jozi welcome. “Given its cultural diversity, warmth and vibrancy, Joburg is the ideal city to host this event,” she said.

“This is really a dynamic, colourful gathering of future global language experts and cultural ambassadors.”

The official festival was held on 21 April at the Nelson Mandela Theatre where there was further discussion on languages and culture.

Source: Rosebank Killarney Gazette , April 26, 2016

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