Keyword: USA

Fethullah Gülen and the Hizmet Movement by Ori Soltes, Georgetown University

Ori Z. Soltes talks in this video about Fethullah Gülen from sufi perspective. Ori Z. Soltes is Goldman Professorial Lecturer at Georgetown Univeristy where he teaches theology, philosophy and art history at the department of theology and he is former Director and Curator of the B’nai B’rith Klutznick National Jewish Museum in Washington, D.C., where he curated over 80 exhibitions.

Embracing the World: Fethullah Gülen’s Thought and Its Relationship to Jalaluddin Rumi and Others

This is neither a comprehensive study of Fethullah Gülen nor is it a comprehensive study of Jalaluddin Rumi. What I am seeking to do is to explore the places where the thought of the one is echoed in the thinking of the other, either overtly or indirectly—and to note ways in which the opposite is true: that Gülen diverges from Rumi.

Academics praise Gülen’s contribution to world peace at symposium in Washington D.C.

Speaking at a conference titled “The Hizmet Movement and Peacebuilding” in Washington, D.C., at the weekend, prominent professors praised peace initiatives inspired by Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen as a great contribution to world peace. Numerous academics and scientists from more than 20 countries delivered speeches on various topics covering the impact of the Hizmet movement on society and its contributions to it as a whole.

Rumi Forum bestows Peace and Dialogue awards 2013

The Rumi Forum, an international organization promoting interfaith dialogue and peace, honored its 2013 RUMI Peace and Dialogue Award recipients on Thursday evening at the National Press Club Ballroom in Washington, D.C. In attendance at the seventh of the Rumi Forum’s annual Peace and Dialogue Awards ceremonies were academics from 15 different countries and representatives of civil society organizations.

Int’l symposium in Washington D.C. to discuss Hizmet’s contribution to world peace

An international symposium under the name of ‘The Hizmet Movement and PeaceBuilding” will be held on Oct. 25-26 in Washington D.C. In attendance at the symposium organized by Georgetown University, American University, Mount St. Mary’s University and the Rumi Forum will be numerous academics and scientists from more than 20 countries in six continents.

PBS airs story on Gulen Movement

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) program Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly featured a story on the Gülen movement on Friday, quoting well-respected American observers, as well as the movement’s members and admirers. The 10-minute-long story by PBS correspondent Luck Severson gave information on the movement, which is a group of volunteers engaged in interfaith and intercultural dialogue […]

Legislators joined Peace Islands Institute to distribute meat during Eid al-Adha

During the Islamic holiday of “Eid al-Adha” from October 15th-18th, 2013, the Peace Islands Institute (PII) paid visits to local Food Pantries with legislators to donate fresh meat to celebrate the eid so as to serve our NJ community, by remembering the poor during this holy season. Asm. Thomas P. Giblin (District 34) underlined the extreme generosity of the PII during the observance of Eid al Adha and noted that this demonstrated great community spirit and willingness to help families in need”

A time for sacrifice

The sacrificial festival has many social aspects to it: it is all about charity, community and family, as well as the pilgrimage. During this holiday, people visit their relatives and friends; family ties are strengthened, and it gives children an opportunity to bond with the older generation. The sacrificial festival is a time for wishing one another well, exchanging gifts, having big feasts, donating and praying.

Love is A Verb – forthcoming documentary on the Gülen Movement

Love Is A Verb is an examination of a social movement of Sufi-inspired Sunni Muslims that began in Turkey in the l960s and now spans across the globe. The group is called Hizmet, the Turkish word for “service” or The Gülen Movement after its inspiration and teacher, Fethullah Gülen, a man TIME magazine named as […]

Love is A Verb – forthcoming documentary on the Gülen Movement

Love Is A Verb is an examination of a social movement of Sufi-inspired Sunni Muslims that began in Turkey in the l960s and now spans across the globe. The group is called Hizmet, the Turkish word for “service” or The Gülen Movement after its inspiration and teacher, Fethullah Gülen, a man TIME magazine named as one of the most influential leaders in the world in 2013 for “…preaching a message of tolerance.”

GYV’s Istanbul Summit and Peace Projects presented in New York

A reception was held by the Journalists and Writers Foundation (GYV) on September 30, 2013 in New York to promote its two international projects, Istanbul Summit and Peace Projects. Numerous representatives to the United Nations (UN) who came to New York to attend the 68th UN General Assembly meeting as well as journalists, academics and foreign diplomats were hosted at the GYV office on the 5th Avenue.

Turkish American Society of Ohio Seeks to Foster Friendship and Understanding Between Cultures

In existence since 2010 and headquartered in Columbus, The Turkish American Society of Ohio’s mission is to introduce Turkish culture into American Society. Through their efforts in dialog and unique community services they also seek to promote friendship and understanding between cultures.

Prof. John L. Esposito’s keynote at the Gulen Movement conference, Chicago

Professor John L. Esposito of Georgetown University delivers the keynote speech at inauguration of the international conference “The Gülen Movement: Paradigms, Projects, and Aspirations.” The international conference took place on November 11-13, 2010 at International House at University of Chicago. The conference was designed to encourage scholarly research into the questions regarding Gulen Movement. It […]

Zeki Saritoprak speaks on Gulen Movement at Chautauqua Institution

Zeki Saritoprak is the Nursi Chair in Islamic Studies at John Carroll University and delivered an Interfaith Lecture on Gülen and his Hizmet movement. Saritoprak also gave a brief outline of Turkish history, from the start of the Ottoman Empire to the founding of the Republic of Turkey. “Muslims have to establish … not religious […]

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