Keyword: Peace awards

Rumi Forum bestows Peace and Dialogue Awards

The Rumi Forum, an international organization promoting interfaith dialogue and peace, presented awards celebrating peace and dialogue initiatives at their annual Peace and Dialogue Awards ceremony in Washington on Tuesday. Bishop Desmond Tutu’s daughter Naomi accepted the Extraordinary Commitment to Dialogue and Reconciliation Award on behalf of her father, which she said her father accepted as a great honor.

EastWest Institute honors Gülen with 2011 EWI Peace Building Award

The EastWest Institute (EWI) honored well-respected Turkish intellectual and scholar Fethullah Gülen with its 2011 EWI Peace Building Award at an awards dinner held for his contribution to world peace. EWI Peace Building Award recognizes individuals who made great strides in building peace across borders and cultures.

Rumi Forum bestows Peace and Dialogue Awards

ALİ H. ASLAN The Rumi Forum, a think tank established by Turks living in Washington, D.C., to foster intercultural dialogue, has presented its traditional Peace and Dialogue Awards. The 2010 Rumi Peace and Dialogue Awards ceremony was held on Tuesday at the National Press Club’s Ballroom in Washington, D.C. The think thank gave awards to […]

Greek Orthodox Bishop Demetrios Honored

Bishop Demetrios received the Niagara Foundation’s Fethullah Gulen Award during the 5th Annual Peace and Dialogue Awards program held on May 4 at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in the city’s downtown. An estimated 250 people turned out for the event, including local religious leaders from such denominations as the Episcopal church, the Jewish faith and the […]

Rumi Forum to bestow Peace and Dialogue Awards

The Rumi Forum bestowed its traditional Peace and Dialogue Awards on Tuesday. Congressman Connolly praised the activities of the Rumi Forum, saying, “If there is something that I think is important and that is represented by this forum tonight and the work of the Rumi Forum, it is the ability it has to bind us all in tolerance and understanding.”

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