Keyword: Fethullah Gulen

Turkey Coup Attempt Leaves America With Stark Choice

In the aftermath of Turkey’s attempted, and failed, coup, Washington is primarily concerned about the future of the U.S.-Turkish alliance and its central objective these days: the fight against Islamic State (ISIS). In particular, U.S. policymakers are concerned about the fate of U.S. access to the Turkish airbase at Incirlik, from which assets used in […]

Keep Incirlik, Extradite Gülen?

A true ally would not try to obstruct the international campaign against the Islamic State for the sake of a leader’s personal vendetta. To acquiesce to the extradition [of Fethullah Gulen] would be to signal that it’s open season to blackmail the United States.

Fethullah Gulen challenges Erdogan, calls for international probe into Turkey coup allegations

Fethullah Gulen calls for international probe into Turkey coup allegations, says will accept findings.

A Very Predictable Coup?

First of all, though it is not a major issue, none of us believes that Gulen was behind the coup. It is convenient for Erdogan to blame his principal opponent because it will facilitate the arrests of any and all opponents not linked to the actual coup by claiming that they are Gulenists.

Q&A: Turkish Imam Fethullah Gulen

Fethullah Gulen, the U.S.-based imam who Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused of masterminding Friday’s failed coup, answered questions from The Wall Street Journal’s Jay Solomon via email on Sunday:

Turkey coup and Fethullah Gülen: Why blame a progressive Islamic modernist?

The coup in Turkey attempted by a group of middle-ranking soldiers of the country has gone down in West Asian history as an ill-designed expedition.

Fethullah Gulen denies ties to attempted coup in Turkey

As a wave of violence washed over Turkey, President Erdogan pointed the finger of blame to Fethullah Gulen. In a rare interview with CNN’s

Who is Fethullah Gulen?

CNN’s Ivan Watson looks at Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish cleric living in the US who President Erdogan squarely blames for the deadly failed

Fethullah Gülen suggests Turkish coup attempt could have been staged

Islamic cleric who has been blamed by Turkey’s president for the coup attempt on Friday evening gives a rare interview and suggests that the event may have been staged by the Turkish government as a way to shore up power and excuse further arrests of those who oppose Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Secretary Kerry insists Turkey must provide legal, solid evidence against Fethullah Gulen

We’ve never had a formal request for extradition, and we have always said, “give us the evidence, show us the evidence”. We need a solid, legal foundation that meets the standard of extradition in order for our courts to approve such a request.

Turkish coup attempt: who is Fethullah Gülen?

The Turkish government, including President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has pointed the finger at Fethullah Gülen – also known as leader of the Hizmet movement – as the mastermind behind Friday’s attempted coup by the country’s military. But who is Gülen? We take a look at the Islamic cleric and how he has affected Erdoğan’s presidency

Kerry Tells Turkish Foreign Minister Coup Accusations Irresponsible

Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday he told Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu that it was irresponsible for his country to accuse the U.S. of involvement in Friday’s coup attempt.

Fethullah Gulen’s stance on democracy 1994-2016

Mr. Gulen has reiterated his clear stance on democracy, in the wake of the coup attempt in Turkey. Here is what he had said back in June 1994: “I believe, from now on, both in Turkey and in the rest of the world, there will we no going back from democracy.”

Why was Mr. Gulen’s name brought up in the coup attempt in Turkey?

Fethullah Gulen: He (Mr. Erdogan) has always had a reaction to those who do not obey him since the beginning. As I previously expressed in other occasions, maybe, he was concealing some of his feelings.

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Purge-victim man sent back to prison over Gulen links despite stage 4 cancer diagnosis

University refuses admission to woman jailed over Gülen links

In Case You Missed It

The Gülen movement: advocators of interfaith activities in Turkey

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Fethullah Gulen: Turkish Scholar, Cleric — And Conspirator?

Ethio-Turkish businesswomen to strengthen business ties

O oppressor

Volunteer website serves as reference tool about Hizmet movement

General Staff ordered broadcasting of anti-Gülen recordings

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