Yet another woman faces detention at hospital immediately after giving birth

Date posted: August 19, 2017

Police are waiting outside a room in Ankara Memorial Hospital to detain Feyza Yazıcı, who gave birth to a premature baby on Friday, as part of the Turkish government’s witch-hunt against the Gülen movement, which is accused of being behind a failed coup last year.

According to the website, police officers are waiting outside Yazıcı’s room at Ankara Memorial Hospital to detain her despite the fact that she just gave birth to a premature baby in her 33th week.

This is not the first-time Turkish police have waited outside a hospital room to detain a woman who just had a baby, as part of a government witch-hunt against followers of the Gülen movement.

In July, Rümeysa Doğan in an Antalya hospital and Ayşe Kaya from Edirne were detained by police after delivery.

On June 2, Elif Aslaner, a religious education teacher who gave birth to a baby May 31 at a private hospital in Bursa, was detained due to alleged links to the Gülen movement, which Turkish government accuse of masterminding a failed coup last summer.

In May, Aysun Aydemir, an English teacher who gave birth to a baby in an elective cesarean procedure, was detained at the hospital and subsequently arrested by a court and put in pretrial detention with a 3-day-old baby in Zonguldak province as part of the witch-hunt targeting the Gülen movement.

n late January, Fadime Günay, who gave birth to a baby, was detained by police at Antalya’s Alanya Başkent Hospital for alleged links to the Gülen movement.

In early January, Ş.A., a former private school teacher and mother of a week-old premature infant, was taken into police custody over links to the movement while she was on her way to the hospital to feed the baby.

A day after Ş.A. was taken into police custody, another woman known as Meryem gave birth to twins by C-section at a hospital in Konya and was detained by police despite hospital reports said that she should not travel and was taken to Aksaray from Konya in a police car.

According to recent data released by the Ministry of Justice, 568 children aged between 0 to 6 are being held in prison along with their parents.Turkey’s Justice Ministry announced on July 13 that 50,510 people have been arrested and 169,013 have been the subject of legal proceedings on coup charges since the failed coup.

Source: Turkey Purge , August 19, 2017

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