Kimse Yok Mu delivers iftar meals to homes

Date posted: June 25, 2015

Turkish charity organization Kimse Yok Mu (KYM) delivers fast-breaking (iftar) meals for the needy families in their homes during the holy month of Ramadan.

In the central province of Kayseri, volunteers from the KYM have been distributing iftar meal to the families in five neighborhoods which received great appreciation.

Receiving the meal, families expressed their gratitude for the KYM. KYM Kayseri branch head Hacı Osman Büyükata said they did not set up iftar tent this year in Kayseri and this was better since in the tents people had to wait in the queue in the tents.

Thanks to the efforts of the volunteers from different career fields, the KYM has been conducting its charity organizations in many cities.

Source: CIHAN , June 24, 2015

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