Kimse Yok Mu: A charity with a difference

Turkey's UN-affiliated aid organization Kimse Yok Mu
Turkey's UN-affiliated aid organization Kimse Yok Mu

Date posted: May 12, 2015


Kimse Yok Mu as a charity organisation needs no introduction any longer. Its charity work worldwide speaks for itself. Its humanitarian services have gone beyond the shores of Turkey and span 113 countries of the world. Kimse Yok Mu charity organisation is a class of its own because it has taken charity work to another level entirely. The Association realises its charitable activities across the world with the help of its volunteers working in different fields in order to make sure the target of the organisation is met.

Building a more comfortable, serene, violent free and peaceful world while fighting poverty and attempting to eliminate social inequalities; encouraging society to be more understanding and engaging with the notion of humanitarian aid are parts of the core mandate of the charity organisation. Not that alone, protecting innocent people in war-torn areas; opposing inequalities due to illness, unemployment, psychological and physical disadvantages with all modern instruments and most effective methods; while equally creating a communal awareness of such issues through campaigns are also part of its goals.

Kimse Yok Mu charity organisation knows no bound, its accept and help people from all races, ages, religions, and social statuses in order to spread kindness around the world and to create and follow social support models. Its vision includes aid in earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters as quickly and effectively as possible. Moreso, it offers health services to those who require them but cannot afford them; while also providing education for children and youths who don’t have access to proper schooling for economic or other reasons. The organisation involves in playing a leadership role in social gatherings during cultural celebrations such as Eid El Kabir.

As part of its vision in aiding people plagued with natural disaster, the charity organisation recently dispatched a team to Nepal, which was hit recently by a 7.9-magnitude earthquake that affect over eight million people, and left over 4,500 people dead. The twelve member team, called the Asian Search and Rescue team, carries out its activities under the Kimse Yok Mu’s auspices. The team has been mandated to travel to the quake-hit area and provide succour to the people. The group has also pledged that it will give TL 100,000(Turkish currency) in donations for the tragedy in order to ease the suffering of the victims.

Kimse Yok Mu charity organisation ensured that the team dispatched is fully-equipped in order to meet up with the problems on ground been faced by the people of Nepal as a result of the earthquake. The team will also help in contributing to the search and rescue activities of the trapped bodies of the victims; while also providing humanitarian aid in the region for at least ten days; after which a team of paramedics and psychologists will follow the group after.

To affirm that the tentacles of the charity organization has spread beyond the shores of Turkey to other part f the world, the group recently signed an agreement with the African Union (AU), which will pave way for a more close cooperation between the organisation and the AU to further aid, education and development efforts in the Africa continent. The agreement will go a long way to further strengthen a new phase in development work in Africa as the parties agreed to collaborate to advance aid efforts in the continent.

African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs, Aisha Laraba Abdullahi told Todays Zaman that the charity group is an important partner of the AU as it has made significant contribution in the area of education. “Important decisions were made [by KYM and AU] and steps to strengthen Africa were discussed. … KYM is an important partner for us and it has extended help to Africa for years.”

Secretary General of the group, Savaş Metin informed Today’s Zaman that it aims at building 1,000 new schools in Africa under its “Sahra Schools” project by 2020 as part of its effort to increase access to education, fight literacy and improved educational standards in the African continent. Through the project specially designed for education, the group will also help African students to seek better education in Turkey. “For the development of Africa, educational standards must be improved. With the Sahra Schools project, KYM will help hundreds and thousands of African students to get education in better conditions.”

Similarly, the charity organisation has also given scholarships to 547 African students this year to study university education in Turkey. In Nigeria alone, it is on record that over 17 percent of the 700 students in the school who performed excellently well in JAMB and WAEC were offered full scholarships to study in the school, courtesy of Kimse Yok Mu’s charity organisation. In addition to that, top performers at the International Science Olympiad get scholarship to study in Turkey.

Aside education, in the area of health, the group also offers aid to patients from ten African countries, with 414 volunteer doctors working at 67 health centres. The charity organisation doctors have equally restored the vision of 34,607 people in the continent by conducting cataract surgeries. The group has also been able to provide 3.5 million people with potable water with the construction of 2,000 wells in Africa.

Despite the recent political witch hunt by the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to bring the charity organisation down by tagging it as a terrorist organisation has not in any way deter the group in any way in making life more comfortable for the people in terms of its humanitarian services. Even, it has spurred it to go extra miles in affecting people’s lives.

This is actually why the political fight orchestrated by the Turkish government is not really the fight against the organisation but a fight against the beneficiaries of the humanitarian service of the organisation, and indeed it is a fight against the whole world which the Turkish government will lose woefully, unless it desist from the politician; witch hunt of the group, and desist from prosecuting and castigating the organisation whose humanitarian services have endeared it to the whole world.

Only a few charity organisations in the world if any can attain the level of achievements that Kimse Yok Mu charity organisation as recorded. It has given a new definition to charity organisation without preference to tribe, colour or language.

Source: Peoples Daily , May 12, 2015

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