Date posted: March 7, 2015
Dr. Chui L. Tsang is the President of Santa Monica College since 2006. Before Santa Monica College, Dr. Tsang served as President of San Jose City College for nearly nine years. Dr. Tsang earned a doctorate in linguistics from Stanford University. He has had a long and distinguished career in education, workforce training, economic development and nonprofits.
“Hizmet Movement is represented by the people that I’ve met. I see that there is a common purpose of like-minded people, in a very grass-root way, coming together, pushing for some ideals that they believe in, in the society, and I’m touched by the genuine motivation of the people that I’ve met. I am impressed with the sacrifice that individuals that believe in this contribute to this collective goal that they are trying to reach.”
“I think it’s extremely important—as an educator, as someone in an institution that deals with 30+ thousand students every year—that we allow our young people, our students to come to realize that they need to have a greater understanding of the different religions, and they are stepping into the world that’s much more complicated…”
“One of the examples that I thought was very very impressive was that there’s this universal belief in providing education to children, and, regardless of their background, trying to promote the talents that are in people,boys and girls alike, they both have equal opportunities to access education.”
“I think it’s really important that we create these opportunities for our young people because with every person that we can add to the roster, it is another brain, another child being fostered, being nurtured and coming to realize their potential.
And what better way is it then to have a massively well-educated population, to advance the country, to advance the living standards, to advance the understanding for each other.”
“I think, the work that has been done by the followers of this thought is really tackling the fundamentals of what is needed in the society.”
*Produced by Spectra Media exclusively for Irmak TV, Atlas of Thoughts (Fikir Atlasi) connects the scholars, politicians, jurists, religious figures, journalists, and academics reflecting on Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen and the Hizmet Movement with the audience. Each episode features a person from a different segment of the society with diverse experiences regarding the Hizmet activities and its volunteers. If you are interested to hear about the Hizmet and Mr. Gulen from these people’s perspectives, do not miss this show!
Source: Spectra Media , April 24, 2014
Tags: Fethullah Gulen | Hizmet (Gulen) movement | North America | USA |