Gülen’s lawyer condemns Erdoğan’s accusations, TÜSİAD calls for sanity in country

Date posted: March 14, 2014


Prominent Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen‘s lawyer, Nurullah Albayrak, condemned Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s latest comments about Gülen while the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (TÜSİAD) called for sanity amid nationwide protests, on Friday.

Erdoğan’s comments about Gülen came at the Justice and Development Party’s (AK Party) election rally in the southern province of Mersin on Thursday. Erdoğan accused Gülen of creating turmoil in Turkey and claimed that the Gülen-inspired Hizmet movement is working against the AK Party.

A statement released by Albayrak noted that Gülen has been a supporter of common sense and peace throughout his life.

“Erdoğan’s comments about Gülen can be summarized in a single word: injustice. My client and I cannot accept any of Erdoğan’s accusations. We should not forget that all these speeches that fuel hatred and separatism among the public should be rejected. We should stay away from any action that can lead our country into chaos and darkness,” said Albayrak in his statement on Friday.

TÜSİAD chairman Muharrem Yılmaz also said on Friday that the deaths of Berkin Elvan, who lost his life after being shot with a tear gas canister in last summer’s Gezi Park protests, and Burak Can Karamanoğlu, who was killed during fighting in İstanbul’s Okmeydanı neighborhood late on Wednesday, are unacceptable whatever the political situation might be.

Yılmaz expressed his condolences to the families of Elvan and Karamanoğlu and called for sanity in Turkey.

“Young people shouldn’t lose their lives as a result of these kind of attacks. They are the future of this country, and everyone should do his or her part to give them a better future,” said Yılmaz.

Yılmaz also sent his condolences to the families of the police officers Abdullah Kılıç, Ömer Aktaş, Resul Erdal Aydemir and Gökhan Emre Örül, who were killed in a traffic accident in central Turkey early on Monday, and to the family of police officer Ahmet Küçüktağ, who had a heart attack in Tunceli province on Tuesday.

Source: Todays Zaman , March 14, 2014

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