American academic: Hizmet Movement serves for entire humanity

Date posted: January 10, 2014


American Professor Ori Soltes stated that Hizmet Movement, inspired by Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, serves for the entire humanity with no thought of personal gain.

Speaking at a cenference in the southern province of Antalya, Soltes shared his observations about the Hizmet Movement. “I saw this on every people I met: I see that everybody, who is inspired by Gülen’s thoughts, help people with no thought of personal gain,” said Soltes adding that Hizmet Movement serves for entire humanity in the world.

Soltes also touched on parallel state allegations against the Hizmet Movemnet is baseless since there is not a concrete evidence for that allegation. Removal of police officers during the corruption investigation can be seen in other countries, which is an unfortunate event, said Soltes. “Current incidents in Turkey are actually a democracy test,” added Soltes.

Source: Cihan , January 10, 2014

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