“It’s a religious duty to establish love and tolerance in society”

The 4th Annual Abrahamic Dinner co-organized by Niagara Foundation and Rochester College in Detroit, Michigan.
The 4th Annual Abrahamic Dinner co-organized by Niagara Foundation and Rochester College in Detroit, Michigan.

Date posted: December 6, 2013

The 4th Annual Abrahamic Dinner co-organized by Niagara Foundation and Rochester College in Detroit, Michigan, received a large attendance.

At the event, the three Abrahamic religions’ representatives, namely, Sheri Schiff of the Holocaust Museum, Dr. Rubel Shelly, professor of religion and philosophy at Rochester College; professor of history at Wayne State University, Dr. Saeed Khan offered their remarks.

“Bases of Interfaith Dialogue” was this year’s theme in the event series, covering a weighty topic every year.

The consensus among the speakers was that more efforts should be paid in order for love and peace to be established in society. It is not only a social responsibility but also a religious duty for members of the three religions. It’s time for everyone to take an action as social transformations start with individuals, the speakers urged.

The choral performance by Rochester College students livened up the night as the conversations among over 100 guests extended through the hours.

Published [in Turkish] on Zaman Amerika, November 27, 2013

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , December 6, 2013

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