Obama to become a parallel, too?

Adem Yavuz Arslan
Adem Yavuz Arslan

Date posted: January 21, 2015

The chief concern of Erdoğan and AKP leaders is tocomplain to their American counterparts, whom they meet in Turkey or occasionally in Washington, about Fethullah Gülen.

So much so that, even Americans got tired of Erdoğan’s obsession with Gülen. In the past, they used to make remarks behind closed doors but nowadays they openly say that it ‘approached paranoia.’

The latest example came during the week. In a speech at German Marshall Fund, former US ambassador to TurkeyFrancis Ricciardone recounted a dialogue he had with his interlocutors.

Senior AKP members called the Hizmet movementan armed terrorist organization’ and brought up preposterous claims. Former ambassador cited what he said to his Turkish interlocutors:

I would say, show me any evidence of crimes in your law or in ours. Are you suggesting any violence anywhere, any violent crime or another crime? Terrorism, money laundering, human trafficking? Aren’t there at least visa problems?”

These words are more than enough to put the AKP to shame. But the government and its media, which tend to label everything that do not suit their books as ‘parallel’, muddled through by ascribing the ‘same epithet’ to the ambassador. It should come as no surprise if they also label Obama as parallel soon.

However, what’s important here is not what the ambassador said but what the AKP did. Particularly we should ask Prime Minister Davutoğlu, who said ‘they complain about us abroad’: Who complains about whom and how?

The Prime Minister seems to have found an easy way. He attributes every negative development in the European Union (EU) or US to the Hizmet movement.

When Erdoğan and Davutoğlu act like that, it becomes impossible for senior AKP members to not follow the lead. For example, according to AKP’s Central Decision and Executive Board (MKYK) member Bülent Gedikli, the Hizmet movement is trying to exclude Turkey from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – a proposed free trade agreement between the EU and the US – by mobilizing the Greek and Armenian lobbies!

It’s certain that we will experience the same in relation to the Armenian issue, too. Only Ankara failed to notice that Armenians are engaged in intense activity ahead of 2015. However, there are serious discussions in Washington about the question:

What will happen if we recognize the ‘genocide?’” In such a period, Ankara would beexpected to stave off the danger by pushing through diplomatic channels fervently.

Since what we call as the ‘wisdom of statehas been busy with lying down before Reza Zarrab, however, no one notices the impending danger.

Moreover, some problems will be overcome more easily while Republicans, who lean towards Ankara’s position, are in control of both houses of Congress. But Erdoğan prefers playing to his nationalist base by taking steps that are to make things especially difficult.

Inviting the Armenian President to ceremonies on April 24 marking the centenary of the Gallipoli campaign is a part of this policy. They see no harm in making mistakes over mistakes.

Anyhow, they have the so-called ‘parallel structure’ to which they can impute every mistake.

No one beyond Turkey’s borders pays attention to the ‘parallel lie.’ But anyway, they do not vote in Turkish elections.

Going on with exploiting Dink

Yesterday was the eighth anniversary of the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. Unfortunately, the steps needed to shed light on the murder have not been taken in the meantime.

Whereas, there was concrete evidence showing that Dink murder was one of a series of murders, including the Malatya Zirve Publishing House and Father Andrea Santoro murders, that had been committed ‘by the same forces as part of the same project.’

The government, which tried to make people forget about the Dec. 17 corruption scandal, isseeking now to ascribe also the Dink and Malatya Zirve murders to the ‘parallel structure.’

For this reason, AKP circles have clung even to the fickle testimonies of bloody-minded gunmen. On the other hand, they protect the critical figures who have vital information on the course of events. 

Engin Dinç is Head of Intelligence Directorate at the National Police Department now. Ercan Demir was appointed as Cizre Police Chief. What a coincidence that during Demir’s term of office Cizre turned into a ground for a special project of the PKK. An arrest warrant was issued for Demir.

But the real purpose here is different. A verdict of non-prosecution for Demir would not be a surprise after he gives a testimony ‘favorable to the government’ (accusing Yılmazer and Akyürek).

Unfortunately, those who have exploited Dink until today are out for new exploitation schemes. In short, the ignominy grows apace.

Source: BGN News , January 19, 2015

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