NEW BOOK: So That Others May Live: A Fethullah Gulen Reader

Date posted: October 28, 2013

Fethullah Gülen is undoubtedly one of the most influential Muslim thinkers of our time. His work and writings have inspired a transnational civic movement that advocates for education, promotes intercultural and interfaith understanding, and delivers humanitarian aid and disaster relief. Originated in Turkey, this “Hizmet” or “Gülen Movement” is active in more than one hundred countries across the globe.

So That Others May Live offers a definitive compilation of Gülen’s characteristic essays. Some of them are available here in English for the first time. The rest have been carefully re-translated and edited, providing even familiar readers with new insight into Gülen’s most remarkable writings on faith, morality, education, civic service, and modern civilization. Together, this selection functions as a valuable guide to the ethical impetuses of a global social movement—one that has rooted itself in Gülen’s signature synthesis of humanism and Islam.


“Fethullah Gülen is arguably the most important living Muslim thinker in the world and this collection is a superb introduction to his thought and work. Those looking for the so-called ‘moderate voice of Islam’ need look no further.” Reza Aslan, author of No god but God: The origins Evolution, and Future of Islam.

“A superb collection of Fethullah Gülen’s most nuanced and influential writings “So That others May Live” inspires readers, regardless of class or creed to embrace the very best of human nature: respectfulness, compassion, tolerance, and forgiveness. It beautifully conveys the humanitarian message of Gulen, in the tradition of the great poet Rumi and scholar Nursi and will continue to instill the spirit of social activism and civic engagement for generations to come.” Ambassador Akbar Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic studies, School of International Service, American University, Washington, D.C.

“This extraordinary collection is a concise and truthful window into the thought of Fethullah Gülen, one of the leading Muslim thinkers of our day. Gülen’s discourse is at once intensely spiritual and modern, emerging from deep within traditional Islamic religious thought while managing to be remarkably current and open-minded These writings will confound all who come to them with preconceptions about religion and secularism, believers and skeptics or tradition and modernity. After looking through this collection, you will better understand why Mr. Gülen has managed to motivate millions of traditional Muslims to engage in progressive social causes that strive to make this world a better place for all humanity.” Rabbi Reuven Firestone, Professor of Medieval Judaism and Islam, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

About the Author:

Erkan M. Kurt is a researcher at the Institute of Interfaith Dialog, Houston, TX. He has a PhD in Islamic theology and a Master’s degree in Christian theology. He is the author of Creation: The Principle of Nature in Islamic Metaphysics.

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