Dismissed after coup attempt, teacher detained during visit to imprisoned relative

Date posted: April 17, 2017

Malatya teacher C.K., earlier dismissed from his/her post as part of the government’s post-coup purge, was taken into custody during a visit to his/her jailed relative on Saturday.

According to state-run Anadolu news agency and local sources, C.K. went to Malatya E type closed prison to meet his/her relative. The teacher was detained after prison officers called police to take him/her. C.K. has had an outstanding arrest warrant for some time, according to media. However, it is not known whether C.K. was aware of it or not.

Both C.K. and the relative in question were imprisoned as part of investigations into the Gulen movement, which the government accuses of masterminding the July 15 coup attempt.

Turkey has detained nearly 115,000 people and arrested some 48,500 over links to the movement since July 15.

Source: Turkey Purge , April 15, 2017

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