Rumi Fellowship Program 2016

Date posted: January 1, 2016

Rumi Forum is inviting eligible individuals on a study fellowship that incorporates trips to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand and Cambodia with the mission of exploring social, economic, cultural, security and political issues in these countries and their wider regions in 2016.

You have the option of choosing:

1-Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

2-Thailand and Cambodia

The dates are:

*May 13-23, 2016

*May 20-30, 2016

*May 27- June 6, 2016

As part of this study fellowship all participants will have to write a 4000 word article. During trips, fellows will have an opportunity to meet with civil society organizations, government officials, journalists, academicians and think-tank scholars, among others, and gain an insight into some of the following:

  • Social harmony, faith and cultural issues
  • Peace building and conflict resolution
  • Economic Development
  • Democratization
  • Women’s issues
  • Minority issues
  • Education
  • Economic, political and social reforms
  • Relations with neighboring countries
  • Relations with the US
  • The role of subject country in the wider region

Fellowship Eligibility and Conditions:

Applicant’s work or field of study should be in the following issues and/or regions:

Regional focus: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Cambodia, Central Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, Russia, China and Asia-Pacific

Issues: Interfaith and social harmony, peace building and peace making, sociology and social movements, NGOs and civil society, religion and culture, international security, geostrategy, global strategy, conflict management/resolution/prevention, international affairs, international development, security studies, defense, terrorism/counter-terrorism, democracy and human rights,  national security, women’s and minority issues, journalism,  energy, politics and political economy.

3 categories of applicants will be considered:
A) Current PhD students in a field of study as mentioned above
B) PhD graduates with up to 10 years academic experience as it relates to above regions or issues. (Academics with more experience will also be considered)
C) Masters graduates with a minimum of 7 years professional experience as it relates to above regions or issues. Individuals with writing experience will be given preference in this third category, though all interested persons should still applyAll applicants need to be based in the following areas: Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, West Virginia or Kentucky.Conditions:Fellows will need to submit a post-trip publishable review article of 4000 words where they s

    • All submissions will become property of the Rumi Forum.
    • Before publishing elsewhere permission from Rumi Forum must be obtained.
    • If you want to change your synopsis/topic after the submission, please contact us first. The committee will review your request.                      
  • All participants will have to purchase their airfare to and from desired country of trip. The participants are expected to contribute towards some of the expenses. The contribution amount is $750 for full time PhD students and $1000 for all other participants. The rest of the costs related to local transportation, food and accommodation (except personal incidentals) will be sponsored by Rumi Forum and our partners.

How to Apply
To apply, please complete by March 1, 2016 the application form at this link: The application form will require you to submit information including the below (via this link):

  • Full Curriculum Vitae
  • 300-400 word biography
  • Statement detailing your current research or your current professional work if you are not a student. All applicants should include details potential benefits of this trip to their study, professional work and future career.
  • Title and 300-400 word synopsis about the topic of your fellowship article as it relates to your current research or other area of interest that will relate to your trip. Once submitted, if you want to change your topic/synopsis, a request must be submitted to the fellowship committee for approval.

Once your application is approved:

  • Full-time students to send in $750 (all others $1000) check payable to Rumi Forum at 750 1st St NE Ste 1120 Washington DC 20002
  • Mail the signed and dated Intercultural Trip Release Form to the Rumi Forum. The form can be found at the above application link. You can mail your check and statement together. If you are a student a statement from your university citing your full-time enrollment must be emailed. All others must email a statement from their current employer. Please email to with the subject line” 2016 Rumi Fellowship Application Name, Last Name, organization “. Please use this same subject line when corresponding with us.
  •  Upon approval of their participation, the participants are expected to buy their international tickets by April 1st, 2016 and send us proof of purchase.

Please visit here to review the papers written by previous Rumi Forum Fellows.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions via 


You may apply for one of the following trips. The Application form will allow you to select the desired trip and desired dates. Click on below links to see the detailed itineraries:

  1. Thailand and Cambodia

Rumi Forum was founded in 1999 with the mission to foster intercultural dialogue, stimulate thinking and exchange of opinions on supporting and fostering democracy and peace and to provide a common platform for education and information exchange. The Forum wants to contribute to this ultimate aim by means of conferences, panel discussions, projects, scholarships, publications and many other activities. In particular the forum has an interest in issues regarding pluralism, peace building and conflict resolution, intercultural and interfaith dialogue, social harmony and justice, civil rights and community cohesion.

Source: Rumi Forum

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