Islamic scholar Gülen offers condolences for those killed in Dağlıca attack

Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen
Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen

Date posted: September 8, 2015

Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen has offered his deep condolences to the families of the soldiers killed in a terrorist attack in Dağlıca in Hakkari province on Sunday, while expressing his belief that the people of Turkey will defeat terrorism by maintaining their solidarity.

“I wish God’s mercy for those killed in Dağlıca, Battalion Commander Lt. Col. İlker Çelikcan and the other soldiers, along with the 102 security personnel who have been killed in a number of cities in the last 50 days, while I pray that God grant urgent healing to our wounded brothers. I extend my condolences to the mourning families, children and relatives,” Gülen said in a statement on Tuesday.

A group of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorists ambushed two military vehicles in Dağlıca by remotely detonating landmines, which they followed up with an armed assault. Subsequently, the Dağlıca Battalion Command deployed reinforcement troops to the area and clashes between the PKK and Turkish soldiers reportedly lasted around six hours. Sixteen soldiers were killed by the PKK and six were wounded.

In his statement, Gülen also praised the people of Turkey, who he said had always been resilient in the face of pain and suffering. Gülen said, “I have no doubt that [the Turkish] people will answer terrorism nobly by preserving their unity and solidarity and by disappointing those who want to achieve their goals through bloodshed.”

Gülen has inspired millions of people both in Turkey and around the world with his peaceful rhetoric that promotes intercultural and interfaith dialog. On many occasions, Gülen has strongly condemned terrorism and the killing of innocent people regardless of the reason.

Source: Today's Zaman , September 08, 2015

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