Hong Kong Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre, Photography Competition 2015

Date posted: January 30, 2015

Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre is launching its 2015 Photo Contest with subject “Harmony of Hong in Kong in Your Frame”

Join our Harmony of Hong Kong in Your Frame photo contest and win exciting gifts. If you think your photographs represent the harmony of Hong Kong, send it us!

Harmony of Hong Kong in Your Frame Photo Contest is open to ALL photographers at least 18 years of age, except members and staff of Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre and their immediate families. The contest is open to all Hong Kong residents regardless of citizenship, so long as the laws of their jurisdiction allow participation.

What to Enter

We are looking for striking digital images of Hong Kong which represent its characteristic life in sum; the harmony of it. Your images may be taken anywhere in Hong Kong. Your images can be in accordance with any kind of  categories like Landscape, Architecture, City Life & Portrait, Social Life.. etc.

Please do not include photographs unrelated to the topic. Please also do not send any photos related to disorder and chaos.  If you choose to include people in your submission, you are responsible for obtaining the necessary releases from the individuals depicted, and must be able to provide copies of those releases to The Cultural Centre upon request. Entrants must not submit images that infringe on the rights of any other photographer or person.

All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimisation (removal of dust, cropping, reasonable adjustments to exposure, colour and contrast, etc.) will be disqualified. Multiple exposures that have been combined to produce a single “High Dynamic Range” image are acceptable. Images that do not meet these requirements may or may not be judged at the judging panel’s sole discretion.

Photographs submitted should be in digital, minimum 6 megapixels and in JPEG or RAW format. Watermarks are not allowed in submissions. Previous published material for which non-exclusive rights were granted may be entered as long as you still maintain the right to grant us license. You must be able to disclose when & where the photo appeared.

Photo captions must accompany all submissions, and should include the subject of the image, the location the image was taken, and the name of the photographer(s).

Images will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall impact and artistic merit. Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre determines winner eligibility in its sole and absolute discretion. All decisions made by the judges are final.

How to Enter

Each photo must be submitted electronically by email to the following e-mail address info@acdc.org.hk with the following information:

1.  Name of the Photographer

2.  Date take

3. Location

4. Subject and short explanation.

Entries can be emailed till 23:59 Hong Kong Time on April 30, 2015 Tuesday.

Maximum 3 photos can be submitted.

Winning Photos

The judging panel will select approximately 30 photos to be the contest’s Finalists and Honourable Mentions. In the second round, the judging panel will select one from each category and the Grand Prize Winner.

Golden Prize Winner will be awarded by

A set of Ebru Water Marbling Art (Essential) Tools

Turkish Coffee Maker with Special Turkish Coffee and Delight

Free Submission to ACDC Events (Cuisine Workshop, Ebru Marbling Workshop and Turkish Classes Until 31 December 2015)

Silver Prize Winner will be awarded by 

A set of Ebru Water Marbling Art (Essential) Tools

Free Submission to ACDC Events (Cuisine Workshop, Ebru Marbling Workshop and Turkish Classes Until 31 December 2015)

Bronze Prize Winner will be awarded by 

Turkish Coffee Maker with Special Turkish Coffee and Delight

The one who get 4th 5th degree will be awarded Free Submission to ACDC Events (Cuisine Workshop, Ebru Marbling Workshop and Turkish Classes Until 31 December 2015)

Source: Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue and Centre

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