Kimse Yok Mu provides medical supplies for Haiti

Date posted: December 5, 2014

Kimse Yok Mu Foundation (KYM) and the US-based Embrace Relief jointly donated three-container-loads of medical supplies to Haiti combating cholera epidemic. The two of the containers were delivered to the hospital KYM built in the capital city Port-au-Prince and the remaining is to depart in two weeks.

Embrace Relief’s CEO Osman Dulgeroglu spoke to Zaman America. Dulgeroglu recalled 2010 earthquake claimed over 200 thousand lives affecting three million Haitians. Following the earthquake, a cholera outbreak has posed a significant threat to the country. He continued to say the KYM hospital, built in Croixdes Bouqet, Port-au-Prince, within 20 months following the disaster, aims to serve the needy Haitians. The foundation handed it over to the local officials but the Haitian Ministry of Health demanded their help with its administration, he added. Dulgeroglu noted the hospital will be a fully-equipped one once the remaining medical supply container arrives in.

Published [in Turkish] on Zaman Amerika.

Source: HizmetMovement.Com , December 4, 2014

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