Kimse Yok Mu team in action in Bosnia

Date posted: May 22, 2014


Kimse Yok Mu Foundation tasked its rescue team ASYA to the flood-ridden Bosnia. The foundation also delivered initially 75 million dollar assistance to the region, troubled with the most disastrous rainfall of the past 120 years.

The rains affected 1 million 200 thousand Bosnians. KYM rescue team immediately arrived in the region to reach out to the victims. The four-member team has started to give away assistance of food, blankets, hygiene and cleaning products, KYM’s director of international aid Yusuf Yildirim reported. Yildirim also revealed that a truckload of aid was to depart for Bosnia the following day. The foundation intends to continue its assistance for the Bosnians by following up with permanent aid efforts including housing.

Ertugrul Yorguner, the KYM team leader, spoke to Cihan: “A total of 14 cities by Bosnia and Tuna rivers have been affected by the flood. The victims have been seeking refuge in their relatives living in neighboring settlements. We have started giving away aid parcels today and been waiting for the aid truck on its way from Turkey. We’ll deliver the aid to wherever it’s needed.”

Published [in Turkish] on Cihan, 19 May 2014, Monday

Source: , May 22, 2014

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