Pakistani Education Minister hails Turkish schools

Date posted: February 5, 2014


The Turkish schools abroad continue to establish bridges of friendship around the world. Muhammad Baligh Rahman, the Pakistani Minister of Education, said his fellow citizens have embraced their local Turkish schools.

The minister said the schools active in his country offer an excellent education model. “My fellow citizens have embraced these schools,” he said. Speaking of the long-established, brotherly relations between Turkey and Pakistan, “I can explain these heart to heart relations in many ways. We can feel the love from whoever comes here from Turkey. It is hard to put in words. This is brotherhood, this is friendship,” Rahman said.

“The schools inspire trust”

The minister considers education the most significant factor in a country’s advancement. “My job is to improve Pakistan’s education and thus advance the country. Turkey offers practical examples for us in education as well. That said, the Turkish schools in Pakistan are achieving a great work. In addition to gaining the locals’ acceptance, they have inspired trust too,” he said.

The minister believes the schools’ achievements have to do with “their selfless efforts and exemplary education model.” He said, “Pakistanis have embraced these schools as they possess moral and human values, which is of great importance. Besides, Pakistanis’ confidence in Turks gives itself away in these schools as well.”

“Their international achievements which show off Pakistani students’ brilliance to the entire world also play a positive role in the schools’ promotion. They definitely achieve a great work with an outstanding education model.”

Fethullah Gulen is a true leader”

Speaking of Fethullah Gulen, the initiator of Turkish schools abroad, the minister said, “I have heard great things about him. And I have had a chance to read some of his books. He is a very impressive person. He is a very nice and profound one, exemplary for many. I wish him a good health so that he can keep on transmitting his positive energy and values. He really is a true leader and has the power to attract people around himself. He therefore presents an example in terms of leadership, education and vision for future.”

Excerpted from the article published [in Turkish] on Cihan, February 4, 2014

Source: Hizmetmovement Blogspot , February 5, 2014

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