Keyword: Condolences

Gülen condemns Reyhanlı attack as ‘villainy’

Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen has described Saturday’s bloody terrorist attack in Hatay as “villainy” and called on the public to remain cautious and exercise common sense in the face of the bombings. In his latest weekly speech, broadcast on the website, Gulen said the bombing in Hatay was more heinous an attack than an […]

Fethullah Gulen sends his condolences to victims of Boston bombings

“I am deeply saddened by the tragic bomb attack at the Boston Marathon that cost the lives of innocent people and injured many more. I express my absolute condemnation of this senseless act of violence that accomplished nothing more than the infliction of unbearable pain on innocent people. I send my sincere condolences to the […]

Turkish associations in US condemn Boston Marathon attack

Turkish civil society organizations in the United States have condemned bomb attacks at the Boston Marathon which left three people dead and more than 100 injured on Monday. Two bombs exploded in the crowded streets near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing at least three people and injuring more than 140 in a […]

Fethullah Gülen lost his friend Prof. Toktamış Ateş, an academic, writer, and eminent democrat

HizmetNews.COM January 20, 2013 Turkish Professor Toktamış Ateş, also a columnist with the Bugün daily, passed away on Saturday January 19, 2013. Fethullah Gülen expressed his condolences in a statement he released the same day, describing Prof. Ateş an exemplary democrat in academia and media. Fethullah Gülen: I am deeply saddened to learn about the […]

Fethullah Gülen’s message of condolence for veteran journalist Mehmet Ali Birand

Chairman of the Kanal D News Group and veteran journalist Mehmet Ali Birand, who advocated more freedoms and democracy in Turkey during a career spanning 48 years, has died. He was 71.Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen expressed his condolences in a statement he released on Thursday night, describing Birand an exemplary journalist who didn’t compromise […]

Fethullah Gulen expresses sorrow for deadly Connecticut shooting

AYDOĞAN VATANDAŞ, NEW YORK Well-respected Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen has expresses sadness over the mass shooting in Newtown, saying he prays that such an incident never happens again. Gülen on Sunday issued a message on the tragic shooting incident, which took lives of 26 civilians, mostly children, at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. “I […]

Fethullah Gülen strongly condemns US consulate attack, extends condolences

Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen has strongly condemned at attack on US Consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including Libyan ambassador, and expressed deep condolences to the American people. He said he was saddened to learn the death of Christopher Stevens and three other consulate workers and described the ambassador as “guest in Libya.” […]

A Cry of the Heart for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina

Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish Islamic Scholar calls all Muslims for helping victims of Katrina Hurricane. “My thoughts are with everyone affected by Hurricane Katrina, the United State’s worst hurricane disaster in a century, the magnitude of which is being realized more and more with every passing day. I fully expect that Muslims all around the […]

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