Keyword: Arab spring

Turkish Review launched in UK with ceremony at House of Lords

BÜŞRA MUTLU, LONDON The launching ceremony for the Turkish Review magazine in the UK was held last week at a seminar titled “Turkey and the Arab Awakening: Do the Arabs need Turkey as a role model?” at the UK House of Lords. The seminar was chaired by Lord Alderdice, who is the convener of the […]

Arab world should embrace the Gülen model

According to Algerian author, Professor Mohammed Babaammi if the Arab world embraces the Gülen model, it will be able to find a cure the problems it has had for centuries. “In fact I believe that the Arab world would embrace such model as it is coming from people who share the same belief and geography with Arabs,” he said.

The Middle East and Turkish civil Islam’s transformative influence on Islamism

NEW DELHI — I am in New Delhi to present a paper at an international conference called “The Arab Spring: Region and India,” organized by the Center For West Asian Studies of the Jamia Millia Islamia. My paper’s title is “From Islamism to Non-Islamism: Turkish faith-based civil society’s transformative influence on Islamism as an inspiration […]

The Abant Platform: the Arab Spring and Turkey’s role

Immersion in the complex and often nuanced debates at the Abant Platform made everyone realize that the Arab Spring heralded a new era, not only for the Arab world but for regional and global politics. In fact, many were unsure about the prospects of stability and democratization in the short term, but were optimistic this turbulent process would eventually bring much sought-after normalization to the region.

Arabs, Turks attempt to redefine Arab uprisings, political trajectories

It was the 25th in a series of gatherings organized by Zirve University and the Abant Platform, yet this time participants found a rare opportunity to discuss political developments elsewhere and the possible role Turkey might have in this political turmoil. 4 December 2011 / MAHİR ZEYNALOV , GAZİANTEP A large gathering of Turkish and […]

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