
Symposium concludes: Hizmet (Gulen) Movement Contributes to World Peace

Professors said that Hizmet is an anti-violence group that uses education and dialogue to achieve its goals. One of the highlights of the symposium was Dr. Martha Kirk’s presentation called Iraqi Women of Three Generations. There are 32 Hizmet schools in Iraq and she said these institutions teach Iraqi women self confidence.

Fethullah Gülen and the Hizmet Movement by Ori Soltes, Georgetown University

Ori Z. Soltes talks in this video about Fethullah Gülen from sufi perspective. Ori Z. Soltes is Goldman Professorial Lecturer at Georgetown Univeristy where he teaches theology, philosophy and art history at the department of theology and he is former Director and Curator of the B’nai B’rith Klutznick National Jewish Museum in Washington, D.C., where he curated over 80 exhibitions.

PBS airs story on Gulen Movement

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) program Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly featured a story on the Gülen movement on Friday, quoting well-respected American observers, as well as the movement’s members and admirers. The 10-minute-long story by PBS correspondent Luck Severson gave information on the movement, which is a group of volunteers engaged in interfaith and intercultural dialogue […]

Love is A Verb – forthcoming documentary on the Gülen Movement

Love Is A Verb is an examination of a social movement of Sufi-inspired Sunni Muslims that began in Turkey in the l960s and now spans across the globe. The group is called Hizmet, the Turkish word for “service” or The Gülen Movement after its inspiration and teacher, Fethullah Gülen, a man TIME magazine named as […]

Women’s involvment in Gulen Movement

Suveyda Karakaya of University of Tennessee presents her paper “Women in the Hizmet Movement: Traditionalists or Modernists?” which examines the women’s involvement and attitudes towards issues surrounding their position in the movement, at the international conference “The Gulen Movement: Paradigms, Projects, and Aspirations.” The international conference took place on November 11-13, 2010 at International House […]

Prof. John L. Esposito’s keynote at the Gulen Movement conference, Chicago

Professor John L. Esposito of Georgetown University delivers the keynote speech at inauguration of the international conference “The Gülen Movement: Paradigms, Projects, and Aspirations.” The international conference took place on November 11-13, 2010 at International House at University of Chicago. The conference was designed to encourage scholarly research into the questions regarding Gulen Movement. It […]

Zeki Saritoprak speaks on Gulen Movement at Chautauqua Institution

Zeki Saritoprak is the Nursi Chair in Islamic Studies at John Carroll University and delivered an Interfaith Lecture on Gülen and his Hizmet movement. Saritoprak also gave a brief outline of Turkish history, from the start of the Ottoman Empire to the founding of the Republic of Turkey. “Muslims have to establish … not religious […]

Turkish scholar Fethullah Gulen awarded in South Korea

In a moment of respect and hope, Fethullah Gülen received the prestigious Manhae Peace Prize. Journalists and Writers Foundation President Mustafa Yesil accepted the award on behalf of Gülen, who was not able to attend the ceremony due to health problems. Yesil, who delivered a speech at the event, spoke highly of Gülen and his […]

Jews, Muslims Bond Over Shared Values

Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster, Rabbis for Human Rights: “We have to understand that we have common issues in our communities that we can work together to improve our schools, we can work together for immigration reform and that these are issues of shared concern that are things we feel passionately about.” Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster believes that […]

Turkish American Society Builds Bridges

The Turkish American Society of Chicago inaugurated its brand new culture center. The event was attended by prominent politicians, artists and businessmen from the windy city. The TASC supports multiculturalism and is dedicated to establishing good relations between the American -Turkish diaspora. Fatih Yildiz, the Turkish Consul General in Chicago, encompassed the philosophy of the […]

Diverse community enjoys feast at Turkic American Alliance iftar

The Turkic American Alliance in Washington, D.C. hosted a traditional iftar dinner, inviting the community to break the day’s fast together. Rep. Keith Ellison, (D) Minnesota: “Ramadan represents an opportunity for us to come together. And everyone is welcome to the iftar. People of all faith traditions. And it’s a chance for us to get to know each other a little bit better.”

Turkish Cultural Center co-hosts Iftar with Westchester Reform Temple

Interfaith Gathering Breaks the Fast of Ramadan at Westchester Reform Temple, which was co-hosted by the Turkish Cultural Center. Mehmet Ozhabes, president of the Turkish Cultural Council welcomed everyone saying it is tradition to raise the tent and open the flap wide to receive guests. “The tent,” Ozhabes said, “is a place of peace and […]

Fethullah Gulen and Gulen Movement Discussed at German Symposium

The Intercultural Dialog Association in Cologne organized a symposium titled “Fethullah Gulen who Encourages the Dialog Studies”. At a weekend in Cologne, many academics, members of the parliament, representatives of some NGO’s, Turks and Germans attended the symposium.

Fethullah Gulen and the Concept of Ikhlas: Fr. Thomas Michel

A conference titled “Muslims between Tradition and Modernity: The Gulen Movement as a Bridge between Cultures” was held at Potsdam University in Berlin. The respond to the question about “Ikhlas” This is been commented on this concept by Muslims an every century. But when Fethullah Gulen focuses on Ikhlas, there are two ideas are always […]

Dr. Phyllis Bernard’s views on Fethullah Gulen & Gulen Movement

Dr. Phyllis Bernard: “My speech was as much as anything else a ‘Thank you’ to the Hizmet Movement.. for making an incredible opportunity available for scholars, researchers, practitioners to understand a lot more about what stewardship in business is about. Hopefully as we continue to teach people about how business works in different places around the world, we’ll have a lot more respect and understanding for the kind of Islamic cultural values that one finds everywhere. And our entry way for that were the Hizmet Movement businesspeople; they were astoundingly fine.”

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Spinning on the Same World

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