Diverse community enjoys feast at Turkic American Alliance iftar

Date posted: August 7, 2013

Kyle Schmoyer

The Turkic American Alliance in Washington, D.C. hosted a traditional iftar dinner, inviting the community to break the day’s fast together.

Dr. Faruk Taban, President, TAA: “That’s the whole meaning of the month of Ramadan. To get together with the families and friends, even the very diverse population.”

A truly diverse cross-section of the community came to break bread and enjoy a traditional Turkic feast.

Rep. Keith Ellison, (D) Minnesota: “Ramadan represents an opportunity for us to come together. And everyone is welcome to the iftar. People of all faith traditions. And it’s a chance for us to get to know each other a little bit better.”

Peter Kovach, US State Department (Retired): “In this diverse society, the openness of Muslims to invite non-Muslims to iftars is just an incredible way to engage across lines and being to build bridges of understand.”

Some guests from afar felt right at home at this religious observance in the heart of our nation’s Capital.

Murktar Djumaliev, Ambassador from Kyrgyzstan: “This is tradition for the Muslim countries. So, it’s good to know, and for me as ambassador that in the United States we also have such a Muslim brotherhood which are sharing food together.”

Kairat Umarov, Ambassador from Kazakhstan: “We all cherish one in the same values in this world. And I think the more people will be sharing food and thought and will be sharing the ideas, I think the world will be that more peaceful.”

A real worldwide wish that people of all faiths can agree on and and enjoy.

Source: GulenMovement , August 6, 2013

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