Women’s involvment in Gulen Movement

Date posted: October 16, 2013

Suveyda Karakaya of University of Tennessee presents her paper “Women in the Hizmet Movement: Traditionalists or Modernists?” which examines the women’s involvement and attitudes towards issues surrounding their position in the movement, at the international conference “The Gulen Movement: Paradigms, Projects, and Aspirations.”

The international conference took place on November 11-13, 2010 at International House at University of Chicago. The conference was designed to encourage scholarly research into the questions regarding Gulen Movement. It was interdisciplinary in nature so that the work of the conference could begin to draw important connections between analyses of the movement from the perspectives of disciplines such as: theology, religious studies, cultural studies, sociology, anthropology, urban studies, literature, history, philosophy, law, psychology, economics, political science, and international relations, as well as many others.

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