Fethullah Gulen’s message to the “Ijma” symposium

Date posted: May 1, 2013

Fethullah Gulen sent a message to the symposium entitled “Ijma as a Common Roadmap and Collective Awareness” which took place on April 27-28 in Istanbul. Gulen’s message received a standing ovation in the hall that a large number of guests crowded into.

In the message, read aloud at the symposium in presence of a large number of scholars and academics from approximately 80 countries, Gulen sent his congratulations and greetings to the attendees. In his message Gulen stated that the most favorable atmosphere for humanity to breathe in is the atmosphere of Islam. “It is everybody’s hope that our scholars at this exceptionally important gathering will offer alternative solutions derived from our fundamental sources to our chronic, age-old problems” said Gulen.

In the later part of his message followed these remarks: “A great many systems dictated to the entire humanity over the last few ages served nothing but to aggravate its pains. If there exists an atmosphere to enable mankind to breathe easily today, it is, without a doubt, the atmosphere of Islam. This atmosphere, practically in every period of history, has been like an ocean with waves, very clean and pure and too deep to contain thought pollutions of any time or place. However, certain intention and viewpoint; exertion and effort; orientation and confidence are needed to reach and truly benefit it.”

Source[in Turkish] on Samanyoluhaber.com, 27 April 2013. English translation is retrieved from HizmetMovement.Com

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