Journalists and Writers Foundation-European Union Delegation Roundtable Meeting

Date posted: February 18, 2013

On January 25, 2013, Journalist and Writers Foundation hosted EU-Turkey Delegation Roundtable meeting at Sheraton Hotel, Ankara. In his opening speech, EU Delegation President, Ambassador Jean-Maurice Ripert noted that they have been examining and comparing Turkey’s ambitions with EU criteria set for the accession process.

“Journalists and Writers Foundation is an influential and deep-rooted institution. So, we would like to know the foundation’s thoughts on EU’s criteria for human rights, press freedom, freedom of expression and religion.” Ripert inquired. The delegation sought answers during the meeting that is certain to be instrumental in the country’s diplomatic future.

The meeting attendees were as follows : EU Ambassador First Counselor Michael Miller, EU-Turkey Delegation Political Advisors Sema Kilicer, Aycan Deniz, Ozer Fazlioglu, JWF President Mustafa Yesil, Vice-President Cemal Ussak, JWF Medialog Platform Secretary General Tercan Ali Basturk, Brussels Interfaith Dialogue Platform official Serafettin Pektas, Fatih University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty Associate Prof. Ihsan Yilmaz, Zirve University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty Associate Prof. Gokhan Bacik, the daily Today’s Zaman Ankara representative Abdullah Bozkurt and Medialog Platform representative Ela Demir.

Later in the meeting, the President of Journalists and Writers Foundation, Mustafa Yesil delivered a speech outlining the core values and principles of Gulen Movement. Yesil recalled that the three major foci of the movement have on education, peace building against existing disunity and poverty alleviation. “The most distinctive feature of the Movement is its advocacy for co-existence. Among its core values are pluralism, dialogue and recognition of democratic opinions, which has naturally resulted in its followers’ conscious avoidance of politics. The Movement cherishes values with scientific, traditional and religious origins.” Yesil said.

Finally, as the foundation’s vice-president Cemal Ussak took the stage, he expressed their hopes for a permanent, an absolute solution to Imrali issue (negotiations over imprisoned PKK leader and relevant Kurdish issue).

Source: [in Turkish] on Medialog Platform, 25 January 2013. English translation is retrieved from

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