Turkish court orders 81-year-old man to stay behind bars on coup charges

Date posted: November 3, 2017

A Turkish court has ruled for a continuation of the arrest of an 81-year-old Turkish man with walking and speaking difficulties, several Turkish media outlets reported.

The man, named Mustafa Türk, was initialy detained by Turkish police on Sept. 1, 2016, over suspected links to the Gülen group, which the Turkish government accuses of masterminding a July 15 coup attempt. 

He was handcuffed and taken by police from his house in Turgutlu, Manisa province, handcuffed and driven to a police station for interrogation.  His relatives described it as “degrading and barbaric” treatment. Several days later, he was officially arrested and sent to a prison in Manisa.

Last weekend, the Manisa High Criminal Court reportedly decided for the continuation of his pretrial detention.


Source: Turkey Purge , November 1, 2017

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