Erdogan’s religious counsel issues fatwa for civil war, ordinary crimes

Date posted: February 3, 2017


Prof. Hayrettin Karaman, Erdogan’s close friend and religious counsel, and AKP’s main Islamist theologian, has issued a fatwa that legitimizes certain crimes during a civil war. He said, “soldiers who commit ordinary crimes during a wartime shall not be punished.”

Karaman’s fatwa covers crimes like rape, theft, murder, injuring, etc.

His fatwa guarantees that Erdogan’s militia (armed civillians) will not be punished for their crimes once they go out for fight on President Erdogan’s call.

Analysts suspect that “Erdogan’s call to go out” during July 2016 coup attempt was a sort of drill that can be considered as a preparation for a civil war whose possibility cannot be ignored. Karaman’s fatwa increases the level of suspicion that President Erdogan is preparing for a civil war.

In his column published in the pro-government Yeni Şafak daily, Karaman underlined that many people, institutions and states around the world, in cooperation, are targeting Turkey. “People who love Turkey, led by President Erdoğan, are working hard to tackle those aggressions,” Karaman wrote.

Karaman supported his views with Turkish idioms, including “Don’t change horses midstream,” “He who cuts the branch on which he sits is a fool,” “The enemy cannot enter a nation unless the society is divided” and “The ordinary crimes of a soldier in wartime cannot be punished.”

Karaman, by issuing this fatwa, legitimized the persecution directed by Erdogan regime against the Kurds, Gulen movement, Alevis, seculars… all who oppose Erdogan’s one-man-rule.

Karaman’s other anti-Islamic and anti-democratic fatwas include:

  • Corruption is not a theft (This fatwa was to acquit Erdogan of the famous Dec 2013 corruption scandal)
  • To prevent a damage (or loss, harm) to the public as well as to the Ummah, damage (or loss, harm) (1) to a person, (2) a group of people or (3) a region can be endured.
  • He called those who did not vote for AKP “farm laborers,” a term to humiliate and insult people.

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