Fuat Avni claims Gülen-inspired schools to be closed due to fabricated auditing standards

Date posted: October 8, 2015

A government whistleblower who tweets under the pseudonym Fuat Avni has claimed a new wave of police raids will be conducted on private and prep schools intended to shut them down temporarily or permanently based on fabricated auditing standards before the Nov. 1 snap election.

Fuat Avni regularly reveals inside information from allegedly secret meetings of high-ranking government officials and has warned of many government-initiated police operations before they have taken place.

He claimed on Tuesday evening that a plot had been devised to close down schools which are sympathetic to the Gülen movement, popularly known as the Hizmet movement and inspired by the teachings of Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen.

According to Fuat Avni, a seminar will be conducted to instruct inspectors loyal to the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) on the newly devised auditing standards. The inspectors are expected to come from various provinces to attend the seminar, which will be held on Oct. 8 and 9 in Ankara.

“Nabi Avcı was informed of the plot. Although he is tired and unwilling, Avcı was obliged to give instructions to bureaucrats [regarding the plot],” Fuat Avni said, referring to the education minister.

Fuat Avni said President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is “quite angry” about recent news reports regarding his son Bilal and will use the police raids on the schools to divert public attention.

A Turkish daily recently reported that Bilal Erdoğan, a prime suspect in the country’s largest-ever corruption investigations, had settled in Italy with his wife and children following the June 7 parliamentary election in which the AK Party, founded by his father, lost its majority in Parliament.

An increasing number of schools inspired by the Gülen movement have been targeted since the graft investigations, which also implicated Erdoğan and other top AK Party figures, were made public on Dec. 17 and 25, 2013. Then-Prime Minister Erdoğan accused the Gülen movement of instigating the operation in order to overthrow his government. The movement strongly denies the allegations.

Source: Today's Zaman , October 07, 2015

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