Aydan Meydan from Bosna Sema School won the “Inspiring Educator Award”!

Date posted: September 25, 2015

The final competition of the Google Science Fair 2015 was held on the 21st of September in Mountain View (California), in the main headquarters of Google Corporation. 20 projects of young scientists from all around the world were presented at this prestigious competition. The finalists represented 10 countries. According to the number of projects, they are following: USA (7 projects), Canada (2), Singapore (2), Taiwan (2), United Kingdom (2), Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, India, Lithuania and Russia.

All projects are focused on finding the best answers/solutions for the existing problems in the world. Futuristic, complex and even simple projects can be seen on this unique science fair, which are made from everyday and simple items. It includes the method for detecting impurities in the fuel, production of biodiesel and substance for storing hydrogen from waste of chicken feathers and water purifying method using corncob.

Anela Arifi (18) and Ilda Ismaili (17), are students of the International High School (Bosna Sema) in Tuzla and the finalists of the Google Science Fair 2015. Unfortunately, this time they were not as lucky as before, and they didn’t manage to make some significant result with their project. To recall, these two exceptionally talented students from Tuzla won numerous awards on the international competitions.

Their mentor Aydan Meydan won the award “Inspiring Educator Award”, for exceptional work and assistance on the realization of the project. The award is 10,000 USD for school equipment from Google and 5,000 USD worth scientific equipment from Lego Education.

Description of the project that Google included on the final competition is that it is a two-reactor system for production of hydrogen storage material and biodiesel from waste chicken feathers.

Google Science Fair is the global online science competition open to both individuals and teams, age between 13 and 18 years. Sponsors of the competition are: Google, Lego, Virgin Galactic, National Geographic and Scientist American.

Source: Sarajevo Times , September 22, 2015

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